Regulatory mechanisms,prophylaxis and treatment of vascular leakage following severe trauma and shoc

来源 :Military Medical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxc0398
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Vascular leakage, or increased vascular permeability, is a common but important pathological process for various critical diseases, including severe trauma, shock, sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS), and has become one of the most important causes of death for intensive care units(ICU) patients. Currently, although there has been some progress in knowledge of the pathogenesis of these vascular disorders, the detailed mechanisms remain unclear, and effective prophylaxis and treatment are still lacking. In this study, we aimed to provide a review of the literature regarding the regulatory mechanisms and prophylaxis as well as the treatment of vascular leakage in critical diseases such as severe trauma and shock, which could be beneficial for the overall clinical treatment of vascular leakage disorders. Vascular leakage, or increased vascular permeability, is a common but important pathological process for various critical diseases, including severe trauma, shock, sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and has become one of the most important causes of death for intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Currently, although there has been some progress in knowledge of the pathogenesis of these vascular disorders, the detailed mechanisms remain unclear, and effective prophylaxis and treatment are still lacking.. In this study, we aimed to provide a review of the literature regarding the regulatory mechanisms and prophylaxis as well as the treatment of vascular leakage in critical diseases such as severe trauma and shock, which could be for the overall clinical treatment of vascular leakage disorders.
目的了解药学类专业大学生对感冒的认知情况。方法 2013年3月-7月对158名药学类专业大学生关于感冒的认识、处置及对感冒药的了解情况进行问卷调查。结果大一至大四学生年感
摘 要:研究表明,技术创新无论对一个国家或是对一个企业来说,都具有重要的意义。对国家来说,创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力;而对企业来说,技术创新是提升企业核心竞争力的重要途径,是企业战略的核心。基于此,开展武钢技术创新战略研究,从战略的高度深刻理解技术创新的经济学含义,对武钢未来发展具有十分深远的理论和现实意义。本文从历史演变的角度研究武钢技术创新战略演进,系统研究了武钢
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