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1990年2月28日至3月3日,全国会计工作座谈会在北京召开。参加会议的有财政部会计司的负责同志,各省、区、直辖市,计划单列市财政厅(局)会计事务管理处长共80余人。会议期间,代表们聆听了王丙乾部长、刘仲(?)副部长的重要讲话。这次会议的主要内容是: 一、总结、回顾1989年工作魏克发司长在总结中指出,去年全国会计管理工作主要抓了以下几件事: (一)会计工作达标升级活动全面展开。全国44个省市区、计划单列市和国务院50个部委局、总公司,到去年底开展这项工作的单位有124,345个,其中达标单位45,193个,三级单位3329个,二级单位254个,会计人员在开展这项工作中提合理化建议,开展双增双节,增加的经济效益约15亿元。 (二)广泛开展调查研究,致力深化会计改革。去年会计司修改和拟定《会计改革纲要》、《我国会计准则草案(提纲)》,上海、江苏、陕西等地制定了 February 28, 1990 to March 3, the National Accounting Work Symposium was held in Beijing. Participants at the meeting were responsible comrades of the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance, and a total of 80 people in charge of the accounting affairs management department of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and separately designated cities under the state planning. During the meeting, the delegates listened to the important speech of Minister Wang Bingqian and Vice Minister Liu Zhong (?). The main contents of this meeting are: First, summarize and review the work of 1989 Wei Kefa pointed out in his summary that last year, the national accounting administration mainly caught the following items: (1) The accounting work was upgraded in full swing. There are 124,345 units in 44 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, 50 ministries and commissions under the state council, and head office. Of these, 124,345 units are in compliance with this standard, of which 45,193 are standard units, 3,329 are tertiary units and 254 are secondary units In the course of carrying out this work, accounting personnel put forward the rationalization proposal and carried out the double increase and double income increase with the added economic benefit of about 1.5 billion yuan. (B) to carry out extensive investigations and studies, to deepen accounting reform. Last year, the accounting department revised and drafted the “Outline of Accounting Reform,” “draft of China’s accounting standards (outline)”, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and other places developed
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