大力培养人才 加强财会工作

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随着农村经济改革不断深入,乡镇企业自主权进一步扩大,对财务管理工作提出了更高的要求。但从现有财会人员的政策业务水平和管理状况来看,普遍存在着文化低、素质差、更换频繁等问题,严重地影响会计管理在经济管理中重要作用的发挥。针对这一新的情况,湖北沔阳县乡镇企业局计财股在局领导的重视和支持下,从1982年起,采取多种形式对乡镇企业财会人员进行分级、分期、分批培训,三年来共培训专业人才4.99人次,其中财会人员2,253人次。全县培训财会管理人才投资346,100元,其中区级投资130,500元。智力投资换来了乡镇企业的大发展,全县乡镇企业总产值,从1982年17,914万元上升到1984年的35,668万元。在原材料涨价、各种费用增加的情况下,为国家提供的税收,由1983年的802万元,上升到1984年的1,843.6万元,三年翻了一番。我们的体会是:(1)就地举办财会培训班,有利于学用一致,边工作,边学习,解决工作中的难题。(2)就地招收社会上待业青年,定位定向 With the deepening of rural economic reform, the autonomy of township and village enterprises has been further expanded, putting higher demands on financial management. However, from the perspectives of the current financial and accounting personnel ’policy and service level and management status, there are common problems of low culture, poor quality and frequent replacement, which seriously affect the exertion of accounting management in economic management. In response to this new situation, Hubei Leiyang County, township and village enterprises in the planning and management of financial stocks in the Bureau leadership attention and support, from 1982 onwards, to take various forms of township enterprises accounting staff grading, staging, batch training, three During the year a total of 4.99 training professionals, a total of 2,253 accounting staff. The county finance and accounting management personnel investment 346,100 yuan, of which district-level investment 130,500 yuan. In return, the investment in intelligence has brought about the great development of township and village enterprises. The total output value of township enterprises in the county rose from 179.19 million yuan in 1982 to 356.68 million yuan in 1984. In the case of raw material price increases and various kinds of costs, the tax revenue provided to the state increased from 802 million yuan in 1983 to 18.436 million yuan in 1984 and doubled in three years. Our experience is: (1) Holding financial seminars on the ground is conducive to making concerted efforts while learning and solving difficult problems in our work. (2) Recruit local unemployed young people on the spot to orientate themselves
朱自清先生在四十年代里曾经说过:“真正‘雅俗共赏’的是唐、五代、北宋的词,元朝的散曲和杂剧,还有平话和章回小说以及皮簧戏等。”朱先生所说的皮簧戏,就是京剧。 京剧之
本文对柔性结构由风引起的动力失稳,按照跳振,扭转颤振,耦合颤振和涡流激振以及低风速颤振的分类进行了述评。也叙述了对付这些现象的设计实践。最后提到了风洞实验技术。 I