Ionic liquids in electrocatalysis

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yatai1980
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The performance of an electrocatalyst, which is needed e.g. for key energy conversion reactions such as hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction or CO2 reduction, is determined not only by the inherent structure of active sites but also by the properties of the interfacial structures at catalytic surfaces. Ionic liquids(ILs), as a unique class of metal salts with melting point below 100 ℃, present themselves as ideal modulators for manipulations of the interfacial structures. Due to their excellent properties such as good chemical stability, high ionic conductivity, wide electrochemical windows and tunable solvent properties the performance of electrocatalysts can be substantially improved through ILs. In the current minireview, we highlight the critical role of the IL phase at the microenvironments created by the IL, the liquid electrolyte, catalytic nanoparticles and/or support materials, by detailing the promotional effect of IL in electrocatalysis as reaction media, binders, and surface modifiers. Updated exemplary applications of IL in electrocatalysis are given and moreover, the latest developments of IL modified electrocatalysts following the “Solid Catalyst with Ionic Liquid Layer(SCILL)” concept are presented. The performance of an electrocatalyst, which is needed eg for key energy conversion reactions such as hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction or CO2 reduction, is determined not only by the inherent structure of active sites but also by the properties of the interfacial structures at catalytic surfaces. Ionic liquids (ILs), as a unique class of metal salts with melting point below 100 ° C, present themselves as ideal modulators for manipulations of the interfacial structures. Due to their excellent properties such as good chemical stability, high ionic conductivity, wide electrochemical windows and the tunable solvent properties the performance of electrocatalysts can substantially improved through ILs. In the current minireview, we highlight the critical role of the IL phase at the microenvironments created by the IL, the liquid electrolyte, catalytic nanoparticles and / or support materials, by detailing the promotional effect of IL in electrocatalysis as reaction media, binders, and surf ace modifiers. Updated example of IL in electrocatalysis are given and more over, the latest developments of IL modified electrocatalysts following the “Solid Catalyst with Ionic Liquid Layer (SCILL)” concept are presented.
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