Diagenesis and Their Succession of Gas-bearing and Non-gas-bearing Reservoirs in the Sulige Gas Fiel

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch007
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Comparisons have been made among lithology, diagenesis, and reservoir characteristics of gas-bearing and non-gas-bearing ones in the Sulige gas field of the Ordos Basin based on the laboratory analysis of thin sections, scanning electron microscope, and liquid inclusion of the reservoirs. The reservoirs of the Sulige gas field are now in the middle stage of diagenesis and have undergone compaction, cementation and dissolution. The secondary pore of the reservoir originated from the dissolution of the feldspar and tuff because of the organic acid action from the source rocks during the diagenetic middle stage. Gas-bearing reservoirs are common in soluble pore diagenetic facies of coarse detritus quartzose sandstone, whereas non-gas-bearing ones are common in tense compaction diagenetic facies of mud-bearing medium-fine detritus quartzose sandstone and residual intergranular pore diagenetic facies of mud-bearing medium-coarse detritus quartzose sandstone. The secondary pore is developed in gas-bearing reservoirs of the Sulige gas-field as the medium-coarse grain reservoirs formed in a powerful sedimentary environment and experienced strong dissolution. However, the sediments of fine grain size form the non-gas-bearing reservoirs because of less residual primary pore and secondary pore. Comparisons have been made among lithology, diagenesis, and reservoir characteristics of gas-bearing and non-gas-bearing ones in the Sulige gas field of the Ordos Basin based on the laboratory analysis of thin sections, scanning electron microscope, and liquid inclusion of the The reservoirs of the Sulige gas field are now in the middle stage of diagenesis and have undergone compaction, cementation and dissolution. The secondary pore of the reservoir originated from the dissolution of the feldspar and tuff because of the organic acid action from the source rocks during the diagenetic middle stage. Gas-bearing reservoirs are common in soluble pore diagenetic facies of coarse detritus quartzose sandstone, non-gas-bearing ones are common in tense compaction diagenetic facies of mud-bearing medium-fine detritus quartzose sandstone and residual intergranular pore diagenetic facies of mud-bearing medium-coarse detritus quartzose sandstone. The secondary pore is developed in gas-bearing reservoirs of the Sulige gas-field as the medium-coarse grain reservoirs formed in a powerful sedimentary environment and experienced strong dissolution. However, the sediments of fine grain size form the non-gas-bearing reservoirs because of less residual primary pore and secondary pore.
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