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人无德不立,官无德不为。政德是领导干部的从政之基、立身之本,事关党和政府的形象,事关党的生死存亡。“德才兼备、以德为先”是我们党始终坚持的重要用人标准。习近平总书记在全国组织工作会议上强调,要坚持党管干部原则,坚持正确用人导向,坚持德才兼备、以德为先,努力做到选贤任能、用当其时,知人善任、人尽其才,既要在“大事”上看德,又要在“小节”中察德。这一重要论述,为培养选拔党和人民需要的好干部提供了重要遵循和根本尺度,深刻理解和全面贯彻这一 No virtue, no virtue, no virtue. Politics and morality are the bases for the leading cadres to make their own politics. They are the foundation of their own conduct and concern the image of the party and the government, which are related to the survival of the party. “Both ability and political integrity, virtue first” is our party always insist on the important employment standards. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Organization and Working Conference that it is necessary to uphold the principle of the party governing cadres, adhere to the correct orientation of employing others, adhere to the principle of combining morality and ability, take ethics first, make efforts to be a candidate for election and make good use of his talents, Do their best, it is necessary to look at the “big event” Germany, but also in the “section ” Chad. This important exposition provides an important follow-up and fundamental measure for training good cadres who are selected by the party and the people and profoundly understand and fully implement this
近年来,党政正职领导(俗称“一把手”)腐败行为愈发引起重视,有人甚至把市县委书记列为廉政高风险岗位。党的十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)再度强调,要加强和改进对主要领导干部行使权力的制约和监督。这被视为中共高层在严管“一把手”上达成高度共识。  然而,如何规范“一把手”用权,“一把手”监督难的困境究竟该如何破题,迄今仍需进一步探索。中央纪委监察
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授权公告号:CN 105295136B授权公告日:2017年5月24日专利权人:无锡宝通科技股份有限公司发明人:刘明、孙业斌、杨可等本发明公开了一种用于振动筛筛板的超耐切割橡胶胶料的制
This paper presents a fast algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control. In real-time implementation, a nonlinear optimal problem is often rewritten as a no
本文采用电子计算机X射线断层扫描技术(Computed Tomography),研究了龙马溪页岩在不同流体浸泡条件下,不同时刻微观结构的变化情况.实验表明流体沿微裂隙不断侵入导致的裂缝