Global Continuity Adjustment and Local Shape Optimization Technique for Complex Trimmed Surface Mode

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayzhoujian
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Smoothly stitching multiple surfaces mainly represented by B-spline or NURBS together is an extremely important issue in complex surfaces modeling and reverse engineering.In recent years,a lot of progress has been made in smooth join of non-trimmed surface patches,while there has been seldom research on smoothly stitching trimmed surface patches together.This paper studies the problem of global continuity adjustment,damaged hole repair and local shape optimization for complex trimmed surface model,and presents a uniform scheme to deal with continuity adjustment of trimmed surfaces and geometric repair of local broken region.Constrained B-spline surface refitting technique and trim calculation are first utilized to achieve global G1 continuity,and then local shape optimization functional is adopted to reduce fitting error and improve local quality of refitted surface patch.The proposed approach is applied to a discontinuity ship hull surface model with an irregular hole,and the result demonstrates the validation of our method.Furthermore,on the premise of global continuity,the proposed locally repairing damaged surface model provides a better foundation for following research work,such as topology recovery technique for complex surface model after geometric repair.
《机械工程材料》杂志自1977年8月创刊以来,迄今已出版140多期。本刊努力适应 我国改革开放的形势发展,坚持为社会主义经济建设服务的办刊方向,以工程材料的研究、 开发和应用技
永存左上腔静脉(persistent left superior vena cava,PLSVC)在正常人群中发病率为0.3%~0.5%,其中约12%的人群合并其他心血管异常[1-2]。最常见PLSVC为PLSVC直接流入冠状静脉
在世纪之交的深秋 ,2 0 0 0年 1 1月 1 9日至 2 2日 ,中国机械工程学会材料分会在上海国际会议中心举行了三项影响深远的重大活动。首先 ,举行了隆重的“中国机械工程学会材
1.被病狗咬伤后,应立即冲洗伤口,关键是洗的方法。伤口较小,较表浅,无大活动性出血时,可自行先用自来水或肥皂水直接冲洗伤口,至少冲洗30 min,尽量把可能进入伤口的病毒冲洗
摘 要:就职于齐齐哈尔大学的崔昊是近年来的画坛新秀,主攻山水画且风格多样。在勤奋的专研和思考之下,其青绿、水墨、焦墨等多种风格样式都取得了可喜的成绩。尤其是其水墨山水和焦墨山水,带有其较强的个人风格和艺术思考,值得研究。  关键词:崔昊;东北地域山水画;青绿山水;水墨山水;焦墨山水  作者简介:孙光兴(1953-),单位:山东省青岛市创达电气工程有限公司;王艳华(1981-),齐齐哈尔大学2013