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上海港引航站引航七班是上海港引航员队伍中一支年轻的生力军,全班14名成员大学本科生即有10名,虽然平均年龄不到33岁,却已创造出了不平凡的业绩。1996、1997两年全班共引领各类中外船舶5174艘次,引航费收入3371万元,安全引航率和船方满意率均达100%。继被交通部和团中央命名为全国“青年文明号”后,最近又被光荣评为上海市模范集体。班长沈海波被评为上海市“杰出青年岗位能手”。 引航主权不可辱 引航权是国家主权。在引航作业时,七班同志们以强烈的民族自尊心维护了中国引航员的尊严,捍卫了神圣的主权。 一次,三级引航员薛一东引领巴拿马籍“摩卡”轮进港。德国籍船长见小薛年轻,根本不把他放在眼里,不予很好配合。在该轮即将驶入宝山港池口的重要关头,船长居然不听从小薛发出的指令而自行操作,险情顿时发生了。只见“摩卡”在船长盲目指挥下明显偏离航道导标线而压向港池口 The pilot of the Shanghai Pilot Pilot Station is a young force in the pilotage of Shanghai Port. The 14 undergraduates in the class have 10 undergraduates. Although the average age is under 33, they have created extraordinary performance . In 1996 and 1997, the class led a total of 5,174 vessels of various kinds both at home and abroad. The pilotage fee income was 33.71 million yuan, and both the safe pilotage and the vessel satisfaction reached 100%. Following the designation by the Ministry of Communications and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League as the “Youth Civilization” in the country, it was recently honored as an exemplary collective in Shanghai. Squad leader Shen Haibo was named “Outstanding Young Crew” in Shanghai. Pilots’ sovereignty can not dishonor the naval rights as the national sovereignty. During pilotage, the seven classes of comrades maintained their dignity and defended the sovereign sovereignty of the Chinese pilots with strong national pride. Once, three pilot Xue Yidong led the Panamanian “Mocha” turn into Hong Kong. German captain see young Xue, did not look down on him, do not cooperate well. At the critical juncture of the round coming into the port of Baoshan Harbor, the captain actually did not obey the instructions issued by Xiao Xue and operated it on its own. The danger suddenly happened. I saw “Mocha” blindly under the command of the captain obviously deviate from the navigation guideline and pressure port port
水电工程建设周期长,不可预见因素较多,造价控制难度很大,结合新疆开都河察汗乌苏水电站工程实际,提出了水电工程建设管理中造价控制的几点做法,供从事造价工作人员参考。 H
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新银合欢原产墨西哥及中美洲。浙江省引种二十多年,生长良好。每公顷直播15万株,二年生时总生物量达23.7吨;5年后可使林地pH 值从5.4上升到6.3;有机质增加0.48%,还能抑制茅草