Chemical Weeding in Dry Direct Seeding Fields of Single Cropping Middlelate Rice

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kathrynde
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Chemical weeding in dry direct seeding fields of single cropping middle-late rice was studied in Huida vegetable farm of Huizhou City in 2012. The main treatment was herbicide( pretilachlor + bensulfuron-methyl,Yangguo and butachlor),and the sub-treatment was application method( soil treatments,seedling treatment and integrated treatment). The results showed that 80 g pretilachlor + bensulfuron-methyl( 36% pretilachlor + 4% bensulfuron-methyl) diluted with 50 kg water could be sprayed or 200 g Yangguo( 23. 9% butachlor + 1. 1% bensulfuron-methyl) mixed with 15 kg sandy soil could be broadcasted per 667 m2 on the sowing day or the second day under moist condition of soil,which could effectively control weeds in dry direct seeding fields of single cropping middle-late rice. Chemical weeding in dry direct seeding fields of single cropping middle-late rice was studied in Huida vegetable farm of Huizhou City in 2012. The main treatment was herbicide (pretilachlor + bensulfuron-methyl, Yangguo and butachlor), and the sub-treatment was application (soil treatments, seedling treatment and integrated treatment). The results showed that 80 g pretilachlor + bensulfuron-methyl (36% pretilachlor + 4% bensulfuron-methyl) diluted with 50 kg water could be sprayed or 200 g Yangguo % butachlor + 1.1% bensulfuron-methyl) mixed with 15 kg sandy soil could be broadcasted per 667 m2 on the sowing day or the second day under moist condition of soil, which could effectively control weeds in dry direct seeding fields of single cropping middle-late rice.
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