Deliverability of wells in carbonate gas condensate reservoirs and the capillary number effect

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kooksnake
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With the development of the Tazhong No.1 carbonate gas condensate reservoir in China,it has become more and more important to study the characteristics of gas condensate well deliverability.A single-well radial simulator for dual-permeability reservoirs was established to study the influences of fluid properties,permeability,and pressure drawdown on well deliverability with and without the capillary number effect.The simulation shows that well deliverability basically maintains its initial value and is not affected by the capillary number when the formation pressure is higher than dew-point pressure.However,well deliverability drops rapidly when the formation pressure is lower than dew-point pressure.Even if the condensate dropout is very low,well deliverability without the capillary number effect reduces to 50 percent of its initial value when reservoir pressure declines to 95 percent of dew-point pressure,but well deliverability is significantly improved if the capillary number effect exists.The capillary number effect is most significant when reservoir pressure is just lower than dew point pressure,then the effect decreases;the reduction of well deliverability is mainly caused by the reduction of gas relative permeability of the matrix system near the wellbore. With the development of the Tazhong No.1 carbonate gas condensate reservoir in China, it has become more and more important to study the characteristics of gas condensate well deliverability. A single-well radial simulator for dual-permeability reservoirs was established to study the influences of fluid properties, permeability, and pressure drawdown on well deliverability with and without the capillary number effect. The simulation shows that well deliverability substantially maintains its initial value and is not affected by the capillary number when the formation pressure is higher than dew-point pressure Well, well deliverability drops rapidly when the formation pressure is lower than dew-point pressure. Even if the condensate dropout is very low, well deliverability without the capillary number effect reduces to 50 percent of its initial value when reservoir pressure declines to 95 percent of dew-point pressure, but well deliverability is significantly improved if the capillary number effec the reduction of gas deliverability is mainly caused by the reduction of gas relative permeability of the matrix system near the wellbore.
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病历摘要  例1 男,56岁,因双眼视物模糊2个月于2002年3月17日入院.检查双眼视力右0.4,左0.9,双侧眼底视乳头水肿,视野正常,进行神经科和眼科相应检查均未发现其他异常.给予视神经营养治疗,症状无明显缓解.1个月后出现腰痛而且视力下降有加重趋势.行CT检查发现L3~4椎间盘突出,拟行髓核摘除术而收入院。
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