Combustion synthesis and luminescence characteristic of rare earth activated LiCaBO_3

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longlivewebdynpro
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Lithium calcium borate (LiCaBO3) polycrystalline thermoluminescence (TL) phosphor doped with rare earth (Tb3+ and Dy3+) elements was synthesized by novel solution combustion synthesis. The reaction produced very stable crystalline LiCaBO3:D(D=Tb3+ and Dy3+) phosphors. These rare earth doped phosphors material showed maximum TL sensitivity with favorable glow curve shape. TL glow curve of X-ray irradiated that LiCaBO3:Tb3+ and LiCaBO3:Dy3+ samples showed two major well-separated glow peaks. The TL sensitivity of these phosphors to X-ray radiation was comparable with that of TLD-100(Harshaw). Photoluminescence spectra of LiCaBO3:Tb3+ and LiCaBO3:Dy3+ showed the characteristic Tb3+ and Dy3+ peaks respectively. TL response to X-ray radiation dose was linear up to 25 Gy. Lithium calcium borate (LiCaBO3) polycrystalline thermoluminescence (TL) phosphor doped with rare earth (Tb3 + and Dy3 +) elements was synthesized by novel solution combustion synthesis. The reaction produced very stable crystalline LiCaBO3: D (D = Tb3 + and Dy3 +) phosphors. TL glow curve of X-ray irradiated that LiCaBO3: Tb3 + and LiCaBO3: Dy3 + samples showed two major well-separated glow peaks. The TL sensitivity of these phosphors to X-ray radiation was comparable with that of TLD-100 (Harshaw). Photoluminescence spectra of LiCaBO3: Tb3 + and LiCaBO3: Dy3 + showed the characteristic Tb3 + and Dy3 + peaks respectively. TL response to X-ray radiation dose was linear up to 25 Gy.
<正> 非毒性甲状腺肿是最常见的甲状腺和内分泌疾患。非毒性甲状腺肿的发病率、病因学、诊断和治疗等方面都有不同的看法。本病的后果是:①甲状腺机能减低,②甲状腺机能亢进,
作者在讨论中归纳以下几点: 1.5例皮肤症状完全相似,表现为如帽章状的环形荨麻疹损害,不痒,反复发生,经年累月,并非药物所致,皮质类固醇激素治疗无效。 2.全身症状:有无力、
Lffler于1936年首次报告本病,有下列多种名称:吕弗琉综合征(L(?)ffler’s Syndrome)、坚壁性成纤维组织性心内膜炎、缩窄(闭锁)性心内膜炎、心内膜心肌纤维化症、弥漫性心
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