优化市域公路路网结构 打造市域经济发展平台——记利川市路网建设

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党的十六大提出全面建设小康社会,赋予了交通建设的历史使命——全面建设小康社会,交通是基础,加快经济社会发展,交通要先行。从现在起到2010年,我国正处于全面建设小康社会的关键时期,利川市交通也正赶上了最好的发展时期。特别是沪蓉高速公路、宜万铁路通达利川市,为利川市交通发展带来了千载难逢的历史机遇。利川市交通局抓住机遇,以务实的政绩观、科学的发展观加快利川公路建设,建立和优化与之配套的市域公路网络,充分发挥路网效益,拉动全市经济社会全面发展。一、利川公路交通发展现状利川位于湖北省西南边陲,是湖北西大门,东与湖北恩施、咸丰连界,由南向北依次与重庆黔江、彭水、石柱、万州、云阳、奉节接壤。境内山峦起伏,沟壑纵横密布,自古为“巴蜀咽喉,荆楚门户”。公路道路是全市至今为止唯一的交通途径。全市国土面积4612平方公里,辖14个乡镇、办事处,576个行政村,人口83万。建国以来,全市广大干部和各族人民以及广大交通、公路干部职工在历届县、市委政府的领导下,以“要想富,多修路,修好路”的信念,前赴后继,呕心沥血,进行着旷古空前,艰苦卓越的公路建设。特别是在“十五”期间,该市抢抓机遇,乘西部大开发之势大上快上,全社会合力大办交通,办大交通,加 The 16th CPC National Congress proposed building a well-off society in an all-round way and given the historical mission of transportation construction - building a well-off society in an all-round way, providing transportation as the basis and accelerating economic and social development with traffic first. From now till 2010, our country is in a critical period of building an overall well-to-do society. Traffic in Lichuan City is also catching up with the best period of development. In particular, the Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway and Yi Wan Railway to reach Lichuan City brought a once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity to the traffic development in Lichuan. The Bureau of Transportation of Lichuan City seized the opportunity to speed up the construction of Lichuan Highway with a pragmatic view of achievements and a scientific concept of development, establish and optimize its supporting urban road network, give full play to the benefits of road network, and promote the overall economic and social development of the city. I. Development of Traffic in Lichuan Highway Lichuan is located in the southwestern border of Hubei Province and is the west gate of Hubei. It borders Hubei Enshi and Xianfeng in the east and borders Chongqing Qianjiang, Pengshui, Shizhu, Wanzhou, Yunyang and Fengjie successively from south to north. The territory of undulating hills, ravines vertical and horizontal clouds, since ancient times, “” Shu siphon, Jingchu portal. “ Highway roads are the only means of transport in the city to date. The city’s land area of ​​4612 square kilometers, administer 14 townships, offices, 576 administrative villages, population 830,000. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the cadres and people of all ethnic groups in the city, as well as the cadres and workers of transportation and highway cadres, have gone on to make efforts to carry forward the belief that ”we should enrich our wealth, build more roads and repair roads“ under the leadership of successive counties and municipal governments. Unprecedented unprecedented, arduous and outstanding road construction. Especially during the ”10th Five-Year Plan," the city seized the opportunity and took advantage of the great development of the western region.
今天的纪录电影是…… ……看待旧情况的一种新观点, ……是一些新的登场人物和某些未知的社会性格, ……是新闻纪录片的非神话化, 是对现实所提示的以前的美学和隐喻规范的
目的构建SDF-1、HOXB4和SDF-1/HOXB4融合基因腺病毒表达载体,转染体外培养的间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs),比较其对CD34+细胞体外扩增及干性维持的影响。方法