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2010年2月,沈阳市委、市政府决定:东陵区、浑南新区、航高基地三区合署办公,将大浑南打造成为沈阳市政治、文化、科技新中心。东陵区(浑南新区)(以下简称新区)进行了大胆的探索与实践,解决了在管理体制、运行机制和人事管理等方面出现的一些亟需理顺的问题,取得了令人瞩目的可喜佳绩。一、合并初期管理体制存在的突出问题三区合并后,在管理体制机制等方面存在的突出问题主要表现在以下三个方面:一是管理体制不顺。行政区与开发区虽然明确为一套机构、两块牌子,但实际上仍然走两套班子、两种体制。区委与党工委、区政府与管委会同时存在,决策和执行均有不顺畅之处,高新区在区域发展中的地位和优势不明显,新区的管理体制定位亟需明确。二是部门职能不清晰。党群部门、政府部门的合并和调整已完成,但政府“大部制”改革尚未进行;航高基地内设部门尚 In February 2010, Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government decided that the three departments of Dongling District, Hunnan New Area and Hangbaoshan Base will work together to build the Great Hunnan into a new center of politics, culture and science and technology in Shenyang. Dongling District (Hunnan New Zone) (hereinafter referred to as the New Zone) conducted a bold exploration and practice, and solved some problems that need to be solved urgently in the aspects of management system, operation mechanism and personnel management, and made remarkable achievements Good results. I. Outstanding Problems in the Initial Merger Management System After the merger in the three areas, the outstanding problems in management system and mechanism are mainly manifested in the following three aspects: First, the management system is not smooth. Although administrative regions and development zones are clearly defined as one set of institutions and two brands, in fact they still take two sets of teams and two systems. The district committees and the district government and the CMC exist at the same time, and their decision-making and implementation are not smooth. The status and advantages of the high-tech zones in their regional development are not obvious. The positioning of the management system of the new zones needs to be clearly defined. Second, the department functions are not clear. The merger and adjustment of party and government departments and government departments have been completed, but the government has not yet carried out the reform of “major system”
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