Tectonic Geochemical Characteristics and Ore Prediction in Hongdoushan Copper Deposit, Yunxian, Yunn

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goblinzehong
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South Lancangjiang metallogenic condition is superior,the volcanic arc metallogenic belt has been praised by geologists,the north district of Guanfang,Wenyu copper prospecting research has made important progress in recent years,the paper study in the Hongdoushan mountain copper deposit(the newly discovered deposits) South Lancangjiang metallogenic condition is superior, the volcanic arc metallogenic belt has been praised by geologists, the north district of Guanfang, Wenyu copper prospecting research has made important progress in recent years, the paper study in the Hongdoushan mountain copper deposit (the newly discovered deposits )
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