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思维和视野是领导人个人素质构成中的重要因素。要加强和改善党的领导,要提高党的执政水平和领导水平,首先、并且最终是通过提高和优化各地、各级、各单位领导人的素养来实现的。各级领导人的思维与视野能否跟上和适应快速变化的世界、能否去促进和优化内外领导环境的变化轨迹,将从一定程度上决定他们的领导行为的效率和质量。因此,跨世纪领导人思维与视野的应有特征,是一个值得讨论的现实问题。 Thinking and vision are important factors in the composition of the leader’s personal qualities. To strengthen and improve the leadership of the party, we must first and finally improve the party’s level of governance and leadership through raising and optimizing the accomplishments of the leaders of all localities, all levels and units. The thinking and vision of leaders at all levels can keep up with and adapt to a rapidly changing world. Whether they can promote and optimize the changing trajectory of the internal and external leadership environment will, to a certain extent, determine the efficiency and quality of their leadership behaviors. Therefore, the characteristics of the thinking and vision of the trans-century leaders should be a realistic issue worthy of discussion.
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人是一切资源中最重要的资源。寇成茂在《经济日报》撰文指出,领导职位作为生产能力的组织和开拓角色,它的配置是一切资源配置中最高层次的配置。 职位配置,是综合了一个劳
1月5日,星巴克公司宣布,移去原标识中环绕海妖的STARBUCKS COFFEE外环,保留海妖图案,但底色由黑变绿。这是星巴克40年历史上第三次,1992年上市以来第一次修改标识。改变是为
咪嘎哈祭祀,源于远古部落原始的求子和祈丰仪式,后逐渐形成大型春祭仪式,主要诉求风调雨顺、农作丰收、人畜增殖。咪嘎哈神树、山神树严禁任何人折伐,严禁出入祭场神林 Mega