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晚清时期的阅报组织是一个较为宽泛的概念,报馆、书院、官衙、学会等机构所设立的阅报场所,就具有公共阅读的属性,它对早期报刊文化的普及起着一定的推动作用。清末阅报社的发展是官绅与民间力量多方努力的结果,地方官员对创设阅报社的支持与鼓励,既有迎合新政、凸显政绩的需要,也有热心公益并推动报刊文化普及的心愿。社会各界人士热衷于创设阅报社,一方面受到地方官的鼓励与嘉奖,具有彰显个人价值和服务民众的双重意蕴,另一方面也开创了新式报刊免费进入民间社会的新途径,对开民智、树新风起到了直接的推动作用。尤其是县以下阅报社的设立,使其很快成为当地报刊文化传播中心,数种乃至数十种报刊的集中呈现,有利于读者进行选择性阅读。一些阅报社还兼具“讲学”功能,让读者读报后登台演讲并相互切磋,从而提高了他们的交往与思辨能力。从这个意义上看,尽管晚清阅报组织数量不多,分布不均,但它对促进社会启蒙和报刊文化的传播有着重要价值。 The newspaper organization in the late Qing Dynasty was a relatively broad concept. The newspaper newspaper, academy, government office, society and other institutions set up the reading place, which has the property of public reading. It plays a certain role in promoting the popularity of the early press culture . The development of the late Qing Newspaper was the result of various efforts by the gentry and the non-governmental forces. The support and encouragement of local officials for the establishment of the Newspaper Press not only catered to the New Deal but also highlighted the need for political achievements as well as the desire to publicize and promote the popularity of newspapers and periodicals. People from all walks of life are keen to create a newspaper office. On the one hand, they are both encouraged and commended by local officials. They have the dual meaning of highlighting personal values ​​and serving the public. On the other hand, they also create new ways for free entry of new newspapers into civil society, Fresh air tree has played a direct role in promoting. In particular, the establishment of newspapers and magazines under the county has quickly become the focus of local media and cultural communication centers, and the centralized presentation of several or even tens of newspapers and periodicals, which is conducive to readers’ selective reading. Some reading agencies also have the function of “giving lectures” so that readers can read newspapers and make speeches and learn from each other, thereby enhancing their ability of communication and speculation. In this sense, although there are not many newspapers and organizations distributed in the late Qing dynasty, it is of great value to promote social enlightenment and the dissemination of newspaper culture.
<正> 为庆祝中华人氏共和国和丹麦王国建立外交关系50周年,中国翻译工作者协会和丹麦王国驻华使馆于2000年2月23日在北京联合主办了凯伦·布里克森研讨会。外交部、文化部、