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  Movie dialogue translation can be regarded as a new area in translation field.After the reform and opening up,a lot of movies are imported or exported to the inside or to the outside.Therefore,movie dialogue translation plays a vital role in people’s daily life,especially under the background of the day when information and communication simulated the emergence of Internet Age.Movies with dialogue translation are benefit for people to gain the largest amount of information in the shortest time.In addition,the target audience may also have opportunities to enjoy movies with original style.Thus,the importance of movie dialogue translation should not be overlooked.
  2.Cultural Image in Movie Dialogue
  2.1 Reconstruction of Cultural Image in the Movie Dialogue Translation
  Different nations have different cultures.Reconstruction of cultural image indicates that to choose a familiar cultural image in the source culture to represent the unfamiliar one in the target culture.However,word meaning can only be found in this related culture at last.Between different culture exchanges,reconstruction is a helpful tool.So does in movie dialogue translation.It is definitely necessary for translators to pay enough attention to intercommunity and distinctiveness between Chinese and English in translation as well as national psychology and characteristics in different cultural background and then to choosecorresponding images to reconstruct them properly.Different nations have different experiences.That is why we translators use the skill of reconstruction to define a related image to help target audience to understand movie dialogue translation.Thus,reconstruction plays a vital role in movie dialogue translation because it influencesthe expression of a movie’s content and whether the movie could make a handsome profit for movie industry.
  2.2 Modification of Cultural Image
  Modification refers to using the best logical words,phrases or sentences to express the exact meaning of the original language because of the existence of cultural image which will make the translation work more proper and more vividly.In translation,we usually use the method of modification to avoid negative effects of language expression.It acquires the rules of basic grammatical and logical rules for the purpose of making the translation work accurate,clear and understandable.Modification refers to making the expression of language more vivid,active by some property modification methods in order to strength the artistic significance of cultural image in movie dialogue translation.Modification in translation is a difficult problem.If translators are unable to present original modification for the target audience,the originalinformation could not be expressed faithfully in the form of meaning and style in their translation.And this might weaken the influence of language itself.At the same time,the target audience can not catch the same feeling as the original audience does in their original works..In movie dialogue translation,proper modification of cultural image may not only make the expression of language more clear and reasonable but also can express the meaning of original work more accurately and faithfully.   2.3 Conversion of Cultural Image in the Movie Dialogue Translation
  As is known,cultural image is a hard nut to crack in movie dialogue translation.Differentcultures have different cultural images.It is a question to help the target audience understand the other cultural image exactly and inerrably.In the translation process,the function of conversion can not be neglected.Conversion of cultural image refers to using a different cultural image to replace the original one which may bring the same consequence and understanding to target audience.Conversion is a method being frequently used in translation.On the one hand,conversion is a good way for translators to make their translation work more flexible.On the other hand,conversion is a good way for translators to change words or sentences properly.It is essential for translators to make their work flexible and readable..Therefore,translators need to express the same information from different aspects in the original work because of this difference.
  It is not an easy work to deal with cultural image in movie dialogue translation because of the differences in different cultures.All of these contributions in movie dialogue translation will speed up and prosper the movie market in cultural aspect as well as prompting cultural exchanging between different nations of the world.At last,the author hope that this thesis will be helpful for future research on the area of reconstruction,modification and conversion of cultural image in movie dialogue translation.
【摘要】基础英语教学除了训练听、说、读、写等基本技能外,不能忽视培养学生的翻译意识。基础英语教学应关注学生的翻译过程,进行有效的教学翻译,为高年级的翻译教学夯实基础。  【关键词】基础英语 翻译意识 翻译过程 翻译教学  一、引言  基础英语(即精读课)是英语专业基础阶段最重要的课程,旨在训练学生“听说读写译”各项基础技能,为高年级阶段各方向专业知识的学习夯实基础。然而,长期以来,基础英语教学对于
星辰大海在火锅里跳舞  杨蕴熙(9岁)  火锅在沸腾  星辰大海在锅里跳舞  泛起五颜六色的浩荡  哎呀  我吞下了整个火星  肚子变成了五彩星球  飛速弹上了高空  变成了一条燃烧的大火龙  喷出一口紫色的火  火苗喷到额头上  烧出了一条水蒸气  像珍珠一样闪亮  停摆  □ 王逸辰(9岁)  凌晨两点  提醒回火星的闹钟  准时响起  心之闹钟  停摆了  心里生出的  第九百九十九团牵挂之
男人身上的军章布满污垢,军刀在蒸腾的热气中发着微光,勉强可以认出是一位将校。阴暗的战壕里,士兵身上的汗臭、伤员伤口的脓腥味和梅雨时节的霉菌混杂在一起。  “我不知道什么G村的部队……我可没喊你们过来。”面对突然出现在战壕外的一队人马,将校挥舞军刀,摆出一副盛气凌人的架势高声叫道。  富村像要将胸前的刀尖吞下去一样,瞪大了疲惫的眼睛解释道:“我们是在G村召集的防卫队,奉命转到这里来。”  将校从上翘
帕加马卫城位于今天的土耳其境内,是上古世界最耀眼的城市之一。这处历史遗迹曾是阿塔罗斯王朝的首都,它的寺庙、剧院、柱廊、竞技场、祭坛和图书馆等在当时无出其右者。帕加马卫城是我们了解上古世界的一把金钥匙,难怪在纽约大都会艺术博物馆的这次展览吸引了无数人的关注。  公元前323年,30余岁的亚历山大大帝在巴比伦英年早逝,留下一个疆域横跨欧亚非三大洲的辽阔王国,却没有子嗣继承。这位马其顿国王对波斯帝国的征
【摘要】有句俗话“给规矩以成方圆”。但在初中英语教学中,尤其是英语书面表达的教学中,有时给了规矩也未必能成方圆。本文结合教学实践,谈谈书面表达中给规矩不成方圆的应对措施。  【关键词】初中英语 书面表达 有效指导  “给规矩以成方圆”,教学中,教师也习惯于给学生“规矩”,以期达到“成方圆”之功效。如,在书面表达教学中,教师总喜欢给学生范文或固定模式,以便学生能写出高水平的英语作文。但这种方法对每一
終于把她杀了。  这个女人我早晚是要杀死的。没有教养,还整天喋喋不休,我怎么会同这种女人交往?这些天来,我一直在为此懊悔不已。当我提出分手时,她打滚撒泼,还威胁说要到我公司去,把什么都抖搂出来。  我最怕把这种丑事闹到公司去,再说我与上司给我介绍的女友已到了谈婚论嫁的地步。  所以实在是不得已,我只能杀了她。  我把尸体包裹在毛毯里,用绳子捆扎好装上车,带到20公里外的丛林挖个坑埋了。  事成后回
【摘要】随着计算机和电子设备的大面积普及,多媒体教学已经成为高校教学中最常见且最主要的一种教学形式。多媒体英语教学虽然有诸多优点,但也存在一些问题。在日常教学中若不能正确、合理地使用多媒体,教学质量不仅不能提高,反而会对教学质量起到消极影响。如何充分发挥多媒体教学的优势,是一线教师亟待解决的问题,也是本文讨论的重点。  【关键词】多媒体教学 存在问题 应对策略  一、引言  多媒体介入高校教学领域
门铃响了。  厨房里,格洛丽亚看了一眼时钟。她必须马上出门,否则肯定赶不上唱诗班的练唱。茶太烫了,她往茶里加了一点牛奶,抿了一口,发现一点茶味也没有。  她妈妈去开门前还磨蹭了一小会儿。她并不想让妈妈知道在过去的十分钟里她就躲在客厅的窗帘后面。  格洛丽亚听到妈妈此时正在用从没有过的精致口音迎接着来访者。“外面真的在下雨吗?我得告诉我女儿。她正要去参加唱诗班的练唱。你知道的,她是萨里奥菲斯乐队的独
珀西瓦尔·亚瑟·克拉伦斯·弗斯戴克,母亲习惯唤他珀西瓦尔,而他为数不多的几个朋友一般叫他珀西。珀西生于外交世家,祖上在外交领域功勋卓著。祖父克拉伦斯·弗斯戴克勋爵曾官至苏丹殖民总督,父亲亚瑟·弗斯戴克爵士则替女王处理大英帝国在美索不达米亚的事务,皆是日不落帝国的股肱之臣,小珀西自然也被寄予厚望。  呱呱坠地几个小时后,珀西就被视作牛津龙小学、温彻斯特公学和剑桥三一学院的“种子选手”,弗斯戴克家族四
一、教材分析  本课是高二16单元的第3课,以“生活故事”为主题,主课文讲述的是美国著名盲人女作家helen keller童年学习语言的真实故事,本课的难点在于文章较长、生词较多且抽象、情节脉络较复杂。通过观看电影片段让学生进行课堂体验,课堂讨论,发表自己的看法,学习海伦凯勒积极向上的生活态度以及克服困难的勇气和决心。  本课设计时分为两课时。第一课时侧重课文内容理解,通过各个步骤力求让学生清晰的