以用户为重 从品牌高度做产品——专访冠林集团董事长谢礼龙

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随着智能建筑概念的诞生,智能建筑这一行业在中国迅速发展起来,随之也成长起来一批知名企业,冠林集团便是其中之一。冠林集团成立于1992年,隶属于福建省信息产业厅,并在福建、深圳、北京、上海等地拥有22家子公司和5个维修中心,有近千名员工,其中70%为大专以上的年轻科技人员。冠林集团的业务包括楼宇对讲、小区报警、停车场管理等,在安防领域实行一条龙服务,并力争在该领域处于领跑地位。冠林集团在全国范围内有着良好的销售渠道和商业信誉,参与了多项政府工程,商业大厦及在建小区的智能化建设。目前,冠林集团正致力于更进一步提升自己产品的知名度,巩固国内市场,并跻身国际市场。近日,冠林集团总经理谢礼龙接受了本刊记者的采访。 With the birth of the concept of intelligent building, the intelligent building industry developed rapidly in China, followed by the growth of a number of well-known enterprises, Guan Lin Group is one of them. Guanlin Group was established in 1992, under the Fujian Provincial Department of Information Industry, and in Fujian, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and other places has 22 subsidiaries and 5 repair centers, nearly 1,000 employees, of whom 70% of college or above Young technicians. Guanlin Group's business includes building intercom, cell alarm, parking management, etc., in the field of security to implement one-stop service, and strive to lead the field in this position. Guanlin Group in the country has a good sales channels and business reputation, participated in a number of government projects, commercial buildings and the construction of intelligent community in the building. Currently, Guanlin Group is committed to further enhance the visibility of their products, consolidate the domestic market, and among the international market. Recently, Xie Linlong, general manager of Guanlin Group, interviewed our correspondents.
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