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目前,《中国制造2025》已引起国内外高度关注,作为我国制造业的一个重大国家战略,《中国制造2025》对今后我国质量品牌的发展具有重要影响。中国制造2025恰逢其时《中国制造2025》产生的背景有三个方面:一是新一轮科技革命与产业变革历史性交汇给世界范围的制造业带来颠覆性变革。二是全球制造业分工版图重构。发达国家和发展中国家争相介入新一轮国际分工,特别是国际金融危机后,美欧发达国家重新重视发展实体经济,提出再工业化发展战略。同时发展中国家 At present, “Made in China 2025” has drawn great attention both at home and abroad. As a major national strategy of China’s manufacturing industry, “Made in China 2025” has an important influence on the development of our country’s quality brand in the future. Made in China 2025 At the very moment, there are three aspects to the background of “Made in China 2025”: First, the new round of technological exchanges with historic changes in industry brought disruptive changes to the manufacturing industries in the world. Second, the global manufacturing division of labor map reconstruction. After the developed countries and developing countries vied with each other for a new round of international division of labor, especially after the international financial crisis, the developed countries in the United States and Europe have re-emphasized the development of the real economy and put forward the strategy of reindustrialization. At the same time, developing countries
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河南省水产科学研究院1975年建院,建院31年来共获得各类科研成果34项,其中:省部级贰等奖10项、叁等奖16项;地厅级奖励5项;通过省级鉴定整体水平达国内领先3项。 Henan Acade
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鳗凹凸病是由微孢虫寄生引起的。它病程缓慢,但难以治愈,且传播性强,是一类危害性较大的疾病。现将该病的防治方法介绍如下: Encephalopathies are caused by parasites of t