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  The word I choose for this assignment is Friend.
  Three prototypical features:
  A.a person you know well
  B.a person who is not hostile
  C.a person who know for a long time
  1.When Ben is going through his friends’ Facebook pages,he always finds a guy called John and John’s comments are funny and smart. Therefore,Ben sends a friend invitation to John,and John accepts it immediately. Is John Ben’s friend?
  2.Lisa and Lily are grown up together,and they always go outside together. Lisa knows what Lily hates,and Lily knows what Lisa likes. Is Lisa Lily’s friend?
  3.Lisa and Lily knew each other in the ice-cream social party. They talked a lot,their hometowns,life in Chico,friends,hobbies,etc. They stayed together in the party and they exchanged their contact information. Lisa invited Lily to her house and Lily said that she would definitely be there. Are Lisa and Lily friends?
  4.Lisa is the leader of Team A in this game,while Lily is the leader of Team B. Two days ago,when Lily knew Team B would meet Team A next round,Lily did a research about Team A,especially the leader Lisa. Also,Lisa did the same thing like Lily did. Are Lisa and Lily friends?
  5.Penny is a very nice girl. Chris has heard about her from several her friends that there is a nice funny girl called Penny on Facebook. Then she finds Penny on Facebook and adds her as friend and Penny agrees to add Chris as friend on Facebook. Is Penny Chris’s friends?
  6.Lisa always hears about Lily from her parents how good Lily is. From Lisa’s parents,Lisa knows that Lily is good at piano and always gets a good grade in school. Is Lily Lisa’s friend?
  7.Lena and Chris are chess players in this chess tournament. After watching this check competition,Lena knows that her next adversary would be Chris. Is Chris Lena’s friend?
  8.Ben is a tennis player,so is John. Ben and John have known each other for five years since the first time they met on the tennis playground. Their play is one of most worthy tennis match to see. Are Ben and John friends?
  Results from four subjects (2 males,2 females):
  From the results above,none of the features is so important to determine people’s understanding of “friend”. Comparing the three features,feature B seems much closer than other two features of people’s perception of friend. The only one that people feel more sure about friend is when the scenario 2 has three features in it,however,one of the subjects rate it 5 which is close to can’t say. However,when there are no features ABC,there would be no friendship described in the scenario (like 7).   In addition,the results indicate that there would be gender differences when people think about friend and friendship (like 1,5). Female subjects view feature B more important than male subjects. The scenarios 2,3,8 that the male subjects give a higher rate shows that male subjects view A more important,which female subjects think is important as well.
  In the results table,I add my expectation about the scenarios I wrote. The three prototypical features are very important for me to define a friend. According to my understanding and the features I have defined,all the scenarios except no. 2 should be extreme negative,but the results turn out to be surprising,especially 1,3,5,8. The digital culture (Facebook,friending without face to face),quick friending (short-time focused social activity) and competition have changed “friending” a lot,and people accept this change gradually. Unfortunately,the subjects didn’t give answer to the choice they made,so I cannot know the exact reasons that they made the choices.
  “Friend” would be a hard word to examine because the understanding of friendship is based on personal perception that can vary from person to person. When I chose the subjects randomly at BMU,I didn’t ask the subjects why they make the choice. However,the results show that it is possible that other experience will influence people’s understanding of friendship,like the huge differences in scenarios 1 (2 negatives,2 positives),4 (3 negatives,1 positive),8 (2 negatives,2 high positives).
  Another thing I have noticed when I wrote these scenarios is that friendship could be understood in two ways,one-way or bi-directional relationship. For example,A might think he is B’s friend but B doesn’t think so,or A might think B is his best friend but B doesn’t have such a strong feeling as A has. By doing this assignment,I found “Friend” would be a complex word to examine.
  This assignment reminds me of my personal experience that I may have different friends in different community I participate in,like academic group,hobby group and so on. For further interest,I would like to see how people understand friends and how they organize the fiends in their mind; if people organize their friends differently in their mind,the functions of friends would vary or not. It is interesting to see why these differences exist.
【摘要】英语的学习过程中,比较难掌握的就是语法与词汇,词汇对学生思维的拓展有重要的促进作用,而语法可以帮助学生提升语言表达能力。对于高中学生来说,英语学习主要的难点就是词汇和语法,同时这也使学生们高中英语学习阶段的重点,掌握了丰富的词汇量,能够规范学生的语言表达能力,所以,高中阶段的学生们要重视英语语法的学习与掌握,使自己的英语水平逐步提高。  【关键词】英语;语法;学习策略  【作者简介】何杨杨
上个世纪五十年代的“大跃进”运动,是新中国成立后对我们这样一个贫穷、落后的大国如何尽快地建成现代化的社会主义强国一次不成功的探索和试验。  “大跃进”运动中,中直机关党委也不甘落后办起了一个名为“大跃进”的刊物,似乎建设现代化强国的宏伟事业突然变得容易了。那一段时间,来中南海报喜的队伍络绎不绝,报喜物品五花八门,从太阳能小轿车到用土法炼出的钢铁样品,以及应用“超声波”技术的各种创造等等,令人眼花缭
【摘要】当前,随着英语运用的地区、行业和领域越来越广泛,我国教育愈加重视英语教学,在多个教育阶段均开设有英语课程。英语是一门特殊的语言类学科,语言与文化密不可分,词汇是构成英语语言的基本元素,在跨文化交际下开展词汇教学是必然的,也是升华教学效果的关键。笔者以跨文化交际下的英语词汇教学为试论对象,并提出一些恰当对策。  【关键词】跨文化交际;英语词汇教学  【作者简介】邵静,中共北京市延庆区委党校。
【摘要】阅读教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,阅读理解在初中英语学习中占据着非常重要的地位。要提高学生的阅读理解能力,就离不开教师科学而有效地指导教学,学生只有真正地掌握了有效的阅读方法和技巧,才能真正提高英语水平。在英语阅读教学中,教师要坚持以学生为本的教育理念,因材施教,从而使每一个学生都能得到提高和发展。本文对分层教学模式应用在初中英语阅读教学中的策略进行了研究。  【关键词】分层教学;初中英语
【摘要】英语翻转课堂教学与传统教学存在着较大的不同,相应的其评价方法也应当做出调整,在评价内容、评价方式、评价标准等方面都应当朝着多元化方向发展。本文主要以合作学习作为翻转课堂教学的核心,然后对以此形成的课堂教学展开评价。  【关键词】小组合作;翻转课堂;评价方法;初中英语  【作者简介】欧琼,东莞市寮步镇香市中学。  一、翻转课堂教学模式  翻转课堂教学是一种以学生自主学习为中心的教学方式。在此
【摘要】英语学习者的语法能力的提高并不能不保证其语用能力相应得以提高。若反其道而行之,在高职英语教学中,若能运用语用学理论,多加培养学生的语用能力,能激发学生对语言学习的兴趣和探索意识。同时,也对英语教学提出了新的要求。  【关键词】语法能力;语用能力;语用失误;英语教学  【作者简介】王丽,江苏商贸职业学院。  一、语法能力和语用能力  传统的英语教学观点认为,语用能力会随着语言语法能力的发展而
【摘要】信息技术在高中英语教学实践中具有新颖独特的优势,有利于创设更科学的教学情境,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的热情,突出教学重点,突破教学难点,增强课堂教学效果。在实际教学中,应注意信息技术与英语教学的有效整合,最大程度优化教学过程,提高教学效率以及优化学生学习方式。  【关键词】信息技术 课堂教学 整合 优化  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的实施建议中明确指出教师要充分利用现
【摘要】伴随教育信息化的不断发展与智能设备的广泛运用,移动学习合理填补了英语听力课堂教学的问题。因此,文章根据校园网的多模态英语听力移动学习模式的实践展开了一系列的分析和论述。  【关键词】多模态;英语听力;移动学习  【作者简介】宗四元(1982.12-),汉族,湖南岳阳人,湖南民族职业学院,讲师,研究方向:职业英语教育。  引言  在学习的过程当中,多次强调的四项根本技能是“听”“读” “说”
【摘要】和初中英语相比,高中英语在知识的容量和知识的难度上有了跨越式的增长,这给初中和高中英语的教学衔接带来了一定的困难。本文主要从初高中英语教学方式衔接、语言知识教学衔接以及学习方法培养衔接三个方面进行论述。  【关键词】新高考;英语教育;初高中衔接  【作者简介】戴建萍,江苏省南通中学。  在我国的基础教育中,初中英语与高中英语之间存在着一定程度上的差别,这种差别是全方位的,不仅有语言知识上的