A Comparison between English and Korean Writers with Abstracts of English Research Article

来源 :中国校外教育·理论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengxuemin
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  Abstract:This study explores paper properties of English research article abstracts written by native English and Korean writers, taking a more broad approach. This approach is based on the assumption that abstract constitutes a genre in its own right, and at the same time, is a type of discourse, which can be approached with various tools of discourse analysis. Thus, various levels of analysis of abstracts that include thematic structure, cohesion, rhetorical structure and lexico-grammatical features are considered.
  Key words:abstract English and Korean writers cohesion
  Ⅰ Introduction
  Abstract is a research tool that serves a "gatekeeping function" in helping readers decide if they want to invest more time in the rest of the paper. A total of fifty-four RA abstracts were selected for analysis in the present study. They were from four journals in the field of linguistics: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Language (L), English Education (EE), and Korean Journal of Linguistics (KJL). The first two, ESP and Language, represent international journals written by English-speaking academics, and the latter two, EE and KJL, represent Korean journals written by Korean-speaking academics. All the abstracts analyzed were written in English. As variations may exist across disciplines in the field of linguistics, four journals were selected to represent two different disciplines: ESP and EE representing the area of applied linguistics, while Language and KJL representing research in the more ’pure’ area of linguistics. The corpus written by English-speaking academics is made up of ten abstracts from ESP and seventeen abstracts from Language, selected at random from recent issues of the journals. Likewise, for the Korean journals, ten abstracts were selected from EE and seventeen abstracts from KJL.
  Before looking carefully at the findings from a comparison of English research article abstracts written by English and Korean writers, it would be a good idea to present examples of various analyses based on the theoretical frameworks. Thematic Structure: thematic structure was analyzed according to Halliday’s approach. The whole text from an abstract is displayed and an analysis of thematic structure in the abstract is charted. Cohesion: analysis of types and functions of various cohesive ties used in the fifty-four abstracts was carried out based on Halliday and Hasan.Move Structure: Swalessuggests that research article abstracts reflect the pattern of the research article itself, and have the Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion (IMRD) format. He also proposes the CARS model for the introduction section. Based on these two models, the conceptual macrostructure of the chosen fifty-four abstracts was analyzed.Ⅱ Result
  A major difference between English and Korean writers is that Korean writers seem to depend more on textual themes, in particular conjunctives, to bond clauses in an abstract into a whole unit than their English counterparts. Results of the comparison between English and Korean writers in terms of thematic structure showed that in general, there was no marked difference between the two groups, in the use of themes for research article abstracts. The fact that Korean writers employ more cohesive ties than English writers (52.6, 47.4% respectively), specifically lexical (52.1, 47.9%) and conjunctive (67.9, 32.1%) cohesion, mainly results from the discrepancy in the degree of dependence on explicit linguistic markers to connect meaning into a coherent whole between the two groups of academics. The major source that could account for the differences between English and Korean writers found appears to be different styles of perceiving and structuring academic facts or discoveries in writing, caused by different linguistic, socio-cultural environments. One important consideration suggested by this study is whether and how to fill the gap found between the two groups of academics.
  [1]Halliday, M. A. K. 1994b. An introduction to functional grammar (2nd ed.). London: Edward Arnold.
  [2]Halliday, M. A. K.,
[摘 要]:以培养经济建设的新型劳动者为目标的高等职业教育,在生源素质、教育模式、价值导向等方面均有别于普通高等教育。本文在对高等职业学校学生的生理、心理特点进行剖析的基础上,围绕“积极疏导、重塑自信”高职校学生管理工作的立足点,提出“创新思路、立足实际、教书育人、不辱使命”的高职校学生管理核心目标。  [关键词]:高职学校学生管理 积极疏导 重塑自信    高等职业教育作为我国教育体系的重要组成
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[摘要]笔者认为,王安忆在集子中表现出的突出特点就是“家常”。无论是对生活的深刻理解,还是对文学创作的评价,都体现了她对“家常”的重视与追求。  [摘要]王安忆 “家常” 平淡    身为作家的王安忆无论是评价他人作品,还是自己进行创作,都有自己的非常鲜明的主张。她对艺术最看重就是“家常”二字,对于这两个字她有着自己的解释:“这是从纷繁曲折的审美阅历中提炼出的理想。在它字面的简洁之下,必有着深厚的
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