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党的十八大五中全会重点提出了从源头上减少污染物排放,倒逼经济发展方式转变,提高我国经济发展绿色水平的理念。从我国现状看生态环境已成为全面建成小康社会的突出短板。文章以水环境比较恶劣的海河流域的河北省为例,在对地表水、地下水、水位、水力侵蚀等水环境及开发利用评价基础上,提出海河流域绿色水生态发展愿景,做出实现绿色水生态路径选择,包括经济手段治理水环境,技术手段扩大节水灌溉,政策层面政府回购机制,管理层面水环境对策措施。 The Plenum of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the concept of reducing emissions of pollutants from the source, forcing the transformation of the mode of economic development and raising the green level of China’s economy. From the status quo in our country, the ecological environment has become a prominent short board for building an overall well-to-do society. Taking Hebei Province in the Hai Basin, where the water environment is rather harsh, as an example, based on the evaluation of water environment, such as surface water, groundwater, water level and hydraulic erosion, and the development and utilization, the paper puts forward the vision of green water ecological development in Haihe River Basin and makes the realization of green water Ecological path selection, including economic measures to control the water environment, technical means to expand water-saving irrigation, policy-level government repurchase mechanism, management water environment measures.
【基本案情】  简某与廖某因生意纠纷产生矛盾。2008年7月,简某召集林某、周某、李某、陈某、胡某等5人在一起商量如何处理此事,大家一致同意去教训一下廖某,简某与林某等5人还共饮血酒以表同心。7月18日上午,简某约廖某于当日下午5点在某公园商谈纠纷一事,尔后简某将林某等5人召集至某饭店,要求林某等人前往教训廖某,为防吃亏,可带“家伙”(指凶器)。事情安排妥当后简某独自回家。林某等人携带单管猎枪、不
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