
来源 :中国神经精神疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hawkwang2008
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患者,男,22岁,主因右侧脑室-腹腔分流术后3年,间断头痛、头晕1年,加重10 d入院.头颅CT示:双侧侧脑室扩大,分流管脑室段位置偏低,位于右颞叶内,尖端位于脑室外;腰穿测压力为260 mmH20(即2.55 kPa).
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Macro-sieve electrodes were implanted in the sciatic nerve of five adult male Lewis rats following spinal cord injury to assess the ability of the macro-sieve e
睑阵挛伴有或不伴有失神癫癎发作,在2001年国际癫癎发作分类中单独列为泛化性癫癎发作的一种类型.我院电视录像脑电图(video EEG)监测诊断1例睑阵挛伴失神癫癎发作,现报告如
Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides have protective effects against apoptosis in neurons exposed to ischemia/reperfusion injury, but the mechanisms are unclear. T
Monosialoganglioside 1 (GM1) is the main ganglioside subtype and has neuroprotective properties in the central nervous system. In this study, we aimed to determ