
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tandr001
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The traditional approach to patients with ovarian cancer is cytoreductive surg ery and surgical staging through a vertical midline laparotomy. While laparoscop y has become an integral part of gynecologic surgery, debulking procedures have not been feasible to date with standard minimally invasive techniques. Twenty-f ive patients with ovarian carcinoma un-derwent surgical staging and cytoreducti on using hand-assisted laparoscopy. We review the surgical technique and clinic al outcomes. Twenty-five patients were managed during this study time frame wit h hand-assisted laparoscopy. Six patients had apparent advanced stage ovarian c ancer at the time of referral, and 17 patients had apparent early-stage ovarian cancer. Of the 19 patients with presumed early-stage disease, 5 patients were upstaged based on retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, 3 with disease to othe r pelvic structures, and 2 patients had microscopic disease in the omentum. Twen ty-two patients had their surgeries completed via hand-assisted laparoscopy, a nd three cases required conversion to laparotomy for completion of debulking sur gery. Complication rates were low with three complications requiring reoperation or hospitalization. The mean hospital stay was 1.8 days for the 22 patients who had a successful hand-assisted laparoscopic evaluation. Operating times were v ariable and ranged from 81 to 365 min. Hand-as-sisted laparoscopy may be emplo yed in the initial management of early and advanced stage ovarian carcinoma. Thi s approach allows for thorough evaluation of peritoneal and retroperitoneal stru ctures and surgical cytoreduction while retaining the advantages of minimally in vasive surgery. The traditional approach to patients with ovarian cancer is cytoreductive surg ery and surgical staging through a vertical midline laparotomy. While laparoscop y has become an integral part of gynecologic surgery, debulking procedures have not been feasible to date with standard minimally invasive techniques. Twenty-f ive patients with ovarian carcinoma un-derwent surgical staging and cytoreducti on using hand-assisted laparoscopy. We review the surgical technique and clinic al outcomes. Twenty-five patients were managed during this study time frame wit h hand-assisted laparoscopy. Six patients had Of the 19 patients with presumed early-stage disease, 5 patients were upstaged based on retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, 3 with disease to othe r pelvic structures, and 2 patients had microscopic disease in the omentum. Twen ty-two patients had their surgeries comp leted via hand-assisted laparoscopy, a nd three cases required conversion to laparotomy for completion of debulking sur gery. Complication rates were low with three complications requiring reoperation or hospitalization. The mean hospital stay was 1.8 days for the 22 patients who had a successful hand Hand-as-sisted laparoscopy may be yed in the initial management of early and advanced stage ovarian carcinoma. Thi s approach allows for thorough evaluation of peritoneal and retroperitoneal stru ctures and surgical cytoreduction while retaining the advantages of minimally in vasive surgery.
病婴女,101 d.发现心脏杂音4 d.查体:左锁骨中线第3、4肋间可闻及2级收缩期杂音,血压80/40 mm Hg(10.67/5.33 kPa).心电图示窦性心律,右心室大,T波改变,QT间期延长.心脏超声见右室内一46 mm×42 mm大小占位性病变,回声低,左心室移位变形,心包少量积液,考虑右心室壁横纹肌瘤.核磁共振示右心室壁心肌肿块,48 mm×50 mm×62 mm大小,突向右心室,右
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