
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kahn419
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艺术文化是文化最直接的呈现,是文化风格与样式的重要构成,也是文化表达的最高形式。随着传播技术与手段的不断丰富,当代艺术文化传播的五个环节———艺术家、传播内容、传播渠道、受众与艺术效果间的内在向度关系也随之变化,造成艺术文化传播中各种光怪陆离的传播现象层层涌现。其原因包括:艺术文化传播对象人群性质与对艺术文化的需求的转变;艺术传播内容的生产与消费顺序的倒置;艺术传播内容与受众关系的改变。这些转变的根源则是当下社会对影像技术和景观的依赖。 Art culture is the most direct manifestation of culture, is an important component of cultural style and style, but also the highest form of cultural expression. With the continuous enrichment of communication techniques and means, the five links in the dissemination of contemporary art culture - the artists, the content of communication, the channels of communication, the internal relationship between audience and artistic effect also change, resulting in the spread of art culture The bizarre spread of phenomena emerged. The reasons include the change of the nature of the crowd and the demand for the art culture; the inversion of the production and consumption order of the art communication content; and the change of the relationship between the art communication content and the audience. The root cause of these changes is the current society’s dependence on video technology and landscape.
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