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2000年第27届悉尼奥运会上,我国体育健儿共获28枚金牌、16枚银牌、15枚铜牌,从而坐上了本届奥运会金牌榜总数的第三把交椅,取得了历史性的突破。但在取得成绩的同时,我国清醒地认识到了危机:中国传统项目的潜力以趋于殆尽,乒乓球、羽毛球和举重的24枚金牌拿了17枚。相反,田径、游泳、赛艇3大项119枚金牌.只有田径拿了1枚金牌。我国田径运动员在2000年奥运会上的表现令田径界感到尴尬。在未来两届奥运会中,我国竞技体育要想保持已经取得的世界第二集团的领先位置。早日成为世界体育强国,实现奥运会争光计划,要大力发展田径运动已是无可置疑的。特别是2008年奥运会在我国举行,到那时,东方文明古国的现代形象将更加引起世人的关注。与此同时,世人的目光将更多地投向田径场、因为田径是基础,田径场上金悼最多,亮点最多,故有得田径者得天下的说法。美国、俄罗斯、德国等体育强国之所以多年雄霸奥运会金牌榜前列,与他们雄厚的田径实力密切相关。我国田径有一定的实力,也有过辉煌,但大起大落,有的项目仅仅是昙花一现。这个事实告诉我们,如果不积极备战奥运会,将有负重望,有负重托,与主办国的身份不符。面对“主场作战”的有利条件,我国田径应抓住契机,筹划未来。 At the 27th Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, China’s athletes of athletics won a total of 28 gold medals, 16 silver medals and 15 bronze medals, and thus won the third place in the total number of gold medals in this Olympic Games and achieved a historic breakthrough. At the same time, however, our country has clearly realized the crisis: the potential of traditional Chinese projects has been depleted with 17 gold medals in table tennis, badminton and weightlifting. In contrast, athletics, swimming, rowing 3 major 119 gold medals, only track and field took a gold medal. The performance of Chinese track and field athletes in the 2000 Olympic Games makes the track and field sector feel embarrassed. In the next two Olympic Games, China’s competitive sports want to keep the leading position of the second largest group in the world. As soon as possible to become a world sports power, to achieve Olympic glory program, to develop track and field sports is beyond doubt. In particular, the 2008 Olympic Games are held in our country. By that time, the modern image of the ancient oriental civilizations will attract more people’s attention. At the same time, the world’s eyes will be more on track and field, because track and field is the foundation, track and field mourning the most, highlights the most, it is track and field who have the world view. The reason why the United States, Russia, Germany and other sports powers dominate the Olympic gold medal stand for many years is closely related to their strong track and field strength. China’s track and field have a certain strength, but also had brilliant, but the ups and downs, and some projects are just short-lived. This fact tells us that if we do not actively prepare for the Olympic Games, we will have a negative outlook and a negative commitment, which will not accord with the identity of the host nation. In the face of the favorable conditions of “home-based combat”, our country’s track and field should seize the opportunity and plan for the future.
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