Module 10 Units 3—4 单元练习

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  Unit 3
  on the contrary; lose sb. to sth.; discriminate A from B; familiar; devote... to; be addicted to; expect to; say no to; trap; conscious
  1. Being t in the burning house made him helpless and hopeless.
  2. Whether you did it consciously or , you have made a choice.
  3. In some cases, to learn something is necessary if you want to live a pleasant life.
  4. be admitted to the key university makes the boy under pressure.
  5. The boy playing computer games, which made his parents upset.
  6. his work, the poor man has no time to accompany his family.
  7. As a new freshman, Tom the campus.
  8. contract contrast is a little bit difficult for some students.
  9. We should take measures; as many children their parents Aids in the past years.
  10. It doesnt seem ugly to me; , I think its rather beautiful.
  1. —I have heard youre going to change your job. Are you serious?
  — . I will quit my job.
  A. Yes, Ive made up my mind
  B. No, I was just joking
  C. Yes, I do hope so
  D. No, Im not
  2. It shows that a casual kindness can a great difference to others in trouble.
  A. get B. tell
  C. make D. point
  3. The new house is similar they used to live in as they both have a large garden with many kinds of flowers.
  A. to what B. in which
  C. in that D. to which
  4. —Why are you in such a hurry, Jane?
  —Quick! Get rid of all the mess! Here Mum and Dad!
  A. has come B. come
  C. are coming D. comes
  5. My former English teacher, who in our school for over 20 years, now lives in his hometown in Yangzhou.
  A. has worked B. worked
  C. had worked D. works
  6. Of the 2000 stock investors last month, 90% was found in financial knowledge.
  A. were surveyed; lack
  B. having been surveyed; to lack
  C. surveyed; lacking
  D. surveyed; lack
  7. Had she her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.
  A. looked up to B. lived up to
  C. kept up with D. come up with
  8. People the success of Change I as another milestone in the history of Chinese space flight.
  A. refer to B. agree to
  C. compare to D. appeal to
  9. Since you have a job, yourself to it, finally youll succeed.
  A. do devote B. dont devote
  C. devoting D. not devoting
  10. The book fifty articles, three ones written by Luxun.   A. includes; including B. contains; including
  C. includes; containing D. contains; containing
  11. The weather in Beijing is different from in Shanghai.
  A. one B. that
  C. it D. the one
  12. She will have to find some other work, for she cant this loud noise any more.
  A. come up with B. keep up with
  C. make up with D. put up with
  13. —Why didnt you buy the dictionary?
  — it may be of great use, I dont think it good value for money.
  A. Before B. As
  C. While D. Since
  14. the exam results were known a lot of time on computer games.
  A. Not until; did the boy begin to regret having wasted
  B. Until; that the boy began to regret to have wasted
  C. Not until; that the boy began to regret wasting
  D. Until; did the boy begin to regret to waste
  15. —Since theres nothing better to do, we as well go straight home.
  —OK, though I hate to do so.
  A. may B. can
  C. should D. must
  1. HIV across the world , with about 7000 people the virus . 艾滋病病毒在全球传播速度非常快,每天大约有七千人受到感染。
  2. many people think, HIV cannot through mosquitoes, ... 与许多人所想象的不同,艾滋病不会通过蚊子叮咬而传播,……
  3. There are 30 million people with HIV worldwide. 全球有超过三千万人携带艾滋病病毒。
  4. It also teaches young people how to Aids, and treatment centers mothers with HIV can receive medicine to help them HIV their children. 这个组织也教导年轻人如何预防艾滋病,并建立治疗中心,让携带艾滋病病毒的母亲们得到药物,有助于防止她们把病毒传给孩子。
  5. Alcohol also a downer, and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if in large quantities. 酒精也被归类到镇定剂,尽管它是合法的,但它会损害肝脏,如果大量饮用会产生巨大伤害。
  Unit 4
  compensate for; involve; suspect; join forces; commit crime; be unwilling to; cooperation; negotiate; put into effect; hate
  1. It is reported that the tourist offices in the regions have agreed to with the office in the capital to try and attract more interest and also to reduce costs.
  2. in the accident, he cannot focus on his work.
  3. People can and should speak out against intolerance and .
  4. What I want to say here is that many officials with corruption and accepting bribes give themselves up to the police so far.
  5. The UN has been with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees.
  6. Nowadays, online is no longer a theoretical possibility.
  7. Since the new management system , the production of this factory has increased greatly.   8. We have had successful and I believe we are very close to a deal.
  9. Mr. Green was of giving away government secrets to the enemy.
  10. The explosion in Tianjin paid the relatives large amounts of money to deaths.
  1. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
  A. To face B. Having faced
  C. Faced D. Facing
  2. The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
  A. broke in B. broke into
  C. broke down D. broke out
  3. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% sold abroad.
  A. of which B. of whose
  C. of them D. of that
  4. It is difficult to a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” or “No”.
  A. take up B. keep up
  C. put up D. come up
  5. his age, he was considered well in the play.
  A. Considering; acting
  B. Considering; to have acted
  C. Considered; acting
  D. To consider; to act
  6. He suggested the person to be put into prison.
  A. refer B. refers
  C. referring D. referred
  7. is often the case with children is that Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.
  A. It B. That
  C. What D. As
  8. The Town Hall in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.
  A. to be completed
  B. having been completed
  C. completed
  D. being completed
  9. Should the plan , it could represent a substantial change in economic direction.
  A. put into effect B. bring into effect
  C. in effect D. take effect
  10. After five hours drive, they reached they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.
  A. where B. which
  C. what D. that
  11. Since nobody gave him any help, he have done the research on his own.
  A. need B. would
  C. must D. can
  12. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxi the bus had dropped her.
  A. until B. when
  C. although D. where
  13. My mother was very , she didnt approve of my hippie (嬉皮) lifestyle.
  A. controversial B. conventional
  C. contradictory D. contemporary
  14. It was in the middle of the night my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.
  A. that B. as
  C. which D. when
  15. —Id like to spend my weekend in upstate NY, but I have some problems with transportation.   — . Ill drive my moms car.
  A. What if B. Take your time
  C. What a pity D. It is no big deal
  1. A survey (进行) in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute, (a / the /不填) private organization in the USA, (show) that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies (have) their security system (强行闯入) in the previous year.
  2. Some countries have laws against traditional crimes (使用电脑所犯的).
  3. (另外), most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with (嫌疑犯) from other countries who (可能已经犯了) cybercrime.
  4. Not until they are made into a car . 制造小汽车的原材料直到被制造成小轿车才价值不菲。
  5. (给予附加值) to these raw materials, then, is the technology used.
  Unit 3
  一、1. trapped 2. unconsciously 3. to say no to 4. Being expected to / Expecting to
  5. was addicted to 6. Devoted to 7. is unfamiliar with
  8. Discriminating...from 9. have lost... to 10. on the contrary
  二、1—5 ACABB 6—10 CBACB 11—15 BDCAA
  三、1. is spreading; at a high rate; catching; every day
  2. Contrary to what; be spread
  3. more than; who are living
  4. prevent; sets up; in which; keep; from passing on to
  5. is; classified as; it is consumed
  Unit 4
  一、1. join forces 2. Involved 3. hatred 4. have been unwilling to 5. cooperating
  6. committing crime 7. was put into effect 8. negotiations9. suspected 10. compensate for
  二、1—5 CCABB 6—10 DCCDC 11—15 CDBAD
  三、1. conducted; a; showed; had had; broken into
  2. committed using computers
  3. In addition; suspects; may have committed
  4. are the materials used for making a car worth
  5. What gives added value
【摘 要】 为筛选出适合在东北地区西洋参种植过程中的最佳施肥方法,该试验采用测土配方施肥技术,通过两年的田间试验,分析了土壤中氮、磷、钾含量和西洋参的田间生长情况,通过去向回收模型计算后,得出西洋参在鲜根重、干根重方面都好于常规经验施肥,在出苗保苗及锈腐防效上与经验施肥效果相似,无明显差别,说明此模型具有实际操作意义,可以应用于田间实践。  【关键词】 测土施肥;西洋参;去向回收;参根测量  西洋
在诗歌创作中,诗人要借助一些艺术手段来辅助表达诗歌的情感和主旨。我们把这辅助表达手段叫做艺术手法,也称表现手法。诗歌中的艺术手法的运用往往与诗人构思、立意分不开,也是高考诗歌鉴赏重点考查的内容。  我们看2012年全国各省市高考对诗歌艺术手法的考查情况:  ①广东卷考查了元代白珽的《余杭四月》,第一小题的提问是:诗的颔联在写景上用了多种表现手法,请指出其中一种并结合诗句简要分析。  ②浙江卷考查了
一  莫让盲人高考成“盲区”  近日,河南盲人李金生申请报名参加2014年普通高校招生全国统一考试时,遭到教育部门拒绝。驻马店市招生办称,由于没有盲文试卷,无法接受报名。  李金生是河南省驻马店市确山县一位盲人,具有高中学历。为了能够顺利报名参加2014年普通高考,近日,他分别与河南省、驻马店市以及确山县三级招办进行多次交涉,但一直遭到拒绝。  在李金生多次上门要求报名后,确山县教育局一名李姓工作
没被坑  某地产大腕发微博:“买一双新鞋,左脚磨出了泡。脱了鞋一看,一只是37码,一只是38码。让售货员坑了。”  一哥们回复:“别怪售货员!一只卖的是建筑面积,另一只卖的是实测面积。”  通过测试  医生:“你能不能看到墙上的字?”  病人:“什么字。在哪儿呢?”  医生“啪”地盖了个章,说:“你通过了听力测试。”  直觉很准  我一直以为我爹妈不是很喜欢我。在我17岁生日的那天,他们交给我一串
【考题】  阅读下面一首宋诗,然后回答问题。(10分)  采桑子晏殊  时光只解催人老,不信多情,长很离亭,泪滴春衫酒易醒。  梧桐昨夜西风急,淡月胧明,好梦频惊,何处高楼雁一声?  (1)“好梦频惊”是全词的点睛之笔,词中引起“好梦频惊”的原因有哪些?请结合全词作简要分析。(4分)  (2)这首词运用了哪些表现手法?请具体分析。(6分)  【参考答案】  题一: 因流逝的时光、易老的容颜、痛苦的
阅读,作为获取信息的主要手段,越来越受到人们的重视。阅读理解在高考试卷中占30分,如果加上完形填空题20分,再加上任务型阅读10分,那就是60分,占了总分的一半。国家课程标准中《英语课程标准》指出,高中英语教学应该着重培养学生以下几方面的能力:在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力;用英语获取和处理信息的能力;用英语分析问题和解决问题的能力以及批判性思维能力。  由此可见培养学生英语阅读理解能力的必要性
到处皆是布景,逼迫民众跑龙套的威权,既是导演又是主角,在一幕幕连续剧中享受荣耀。在中国这个把生活变成宏大超现实主义戏剧的国度,人生或在不可避免地蜕变为史玉柱式的网游,不当剧中人的可能性微乎其微。  一  点赞是一种病  文/宋石男  意大利文艺家本韦努托·切利尼曾说,一个人若打算描述自己的生活,至少应该年满四十岁,而且还要在某方面取得斐然成就。不过,如今任何一个拥有手机的人,都根本不会搭理这位文艺
【摘 要】 基于黑龙江省鸡东县319份问卷调查,对鸡东县农村人民的收入现状进行描述性分析,同时应用多元有序 Logit 模型研究黑龙江省鸡东县农村人民的性别、年龄、工作身份、文化程度以及是否享受农业补贴 5个因素对其自身收入的影响。研究表明,鸡东县农民收入高低受工作身份和文化程度的影响显著,同时是否享受农业补贴也是其重要的影响因素,而性别和年龄对鸡东县农民收入状况影响不大。  【关键词】 农民;收
【摘 要】 农产品质量安全,是一项复杂的农业系统工程,贯穿现代农业发展的始终,体现天时、地利、人和。文章从加强农产品质量安全的迫切性、问题导向性,提出探索路径,以期为金安区现代农业发展和人民生命健康安全提出对策建议。  【关键词】 安全;供给;短板  习总书记在党的十九大报告中指出:“中国特色社会主义进入了新时代”。进入新时代,就是要以新标杆、新思维、新举措实现农业高质量、高发展,就是要把农产品质