Commentary of research situation and innovation frontier in hydro-structure engineering science

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asaaaas
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In order to utilize water and hydropower resources in China,multitudes of water projects are established or to be constructed as an integral part of the national economy’s infrastructure.Under these circumstances,there are two outstanding problems:1) a mass of existing dams are in danger and 2) in the southwest water-conservancy construction plan,dozens of existing or planned dams are high dams or even super high dams with heights between 200 and 300 m.In accordance with demands of “the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development” on the innovation frontier in hydro-structure engineering science,various key problems in science and technology such like stress analysis,ultimate bearing capacity,nonlinearity etc.for high dams,super high dams and sick dams have been investigated.This paper makes a commentary on the advances and results of the researches,then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of current theoretics and methodologies,and finally presents corresponding research directions and the frontier of innovation. In order to utilize water and hydropower resources in China, multitudes of water projects are established or to be constructed as an integral part of the national economy’s infrastructure. Uder these cases, there are two outstanding problems: 1) a mass of existing dams are in danger and 2) in the southwest water-conservancy construction plan, dozens of existing or planned dams are high dams or even super high dams with heights between 200 and 300 m. In accordance with demands of “the National Program for Medium-and-Long -Term Scientific and Technological Development ”on the innovation frontier in hydro-structure engineering science, various key problems in science and technology such like stress analysis, ultimate bearing capacity, nonlinearity etc. for high dams, super high dams and sick dams have been investigated. This paper makes a commentary on the advances and results of the researches, then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of current theoretics and methodologies, and finall y presents corresponding research directions and the frontier of innovation.
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