盛世治水 铸就辉煌

来源 :河北水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixuhai88888
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60年,又一个甲子轮回。当我们站在新的时间节点回首这个甲子的治水往事,河北水利人艰苦奋斗,兴利除害,防洪保安,抗旱减灾,发展灌溉,治理盐碱,从起步到跨越,在燕赵大地上谱写了轰轰烈烈的治水史篇。如今,河北省已建成各类水库千余座,整修、扩挖、新辟骨干行洪排沥河道50余条,新筑、整修堤防1.7万km;建万亩以上灌区160处,机电井拥有量近百万眼,发展有效灌溉面积6800多万亩,2000多万亩盐碱易涝洼地变成良田;治理水土流失6.3万km~2,实施水土保持生态修复1.78万km~2;解决了2500万农村人口饮水问题…… 60 years, another Jia Zi cycle. When we stood back at the new time node to look back on the water control activities of this Jiazi, Hebei water conservancy people worked hard, detrimental to the interests of the peasants, flood control and security, drought relief and disaster reduction, irrigation development and salinization control. From the beginning to the leap, they were written on the earth of Yanzhao A vigorous history of flood control articles. Today, Hebei Province has built more than 1,000 reservoirs of various types, refurbishing and expanding. More than 50 flood-drain levees have been built and rebuilt in new backbone areas, with 17,000 km of new embankments and renovations. There are 160 irrigated areas above 10,000 mu, Amounting to nearly one million, the development of effective irrigation area of ​​more than 6800 mu, more than 2000 acres of saline-alkali waterlogged depression into fertile land; soil erosion control 6.3 million km ~ 2, the implementation of soil and water conservation ecological rehabilitation 17,800 km ~ 2; 25 million rural population drinking water problem ...
The title compound N-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-3-oxobenzo[d]isothiazole-2(3H)-carboxa-mide(C16H14N2O3S,Mr = 314.35) has been synthesized and structurally characterized b
目的 观察卵巢癌抗独特型单链抗体 6B11ScFv与鼠粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因于(murine granulocvte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.mGM-CSF)的融合蛋白(6B11mGM)在小鼠体内诱导抗肿瘤免疫反应情况,探讨此种融合蛋白作为卵巢癌疫苗的可能性及适当的免疫方
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