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绿剑公司用短短十年的时间,就成为中国茶叶行业百强企业和浙江省省级骨干农业龙头企业。绿剑品牌这么多年来能得到消费者的厚爱,源于绿剑茶人的不懈努力。绿剑的经营理念是:以科技为引领,以名牌为支撑,走产业化经营之路。通过成立茶业专业合作社、以销定产、发展基地、发展订单农业等举措,不断提升绿剑茶产业化水平。 In just 10 years, Green Sword became the top 100 enterprises in the Chinese tea industry and the leading enterprise in Zhejiang Province. The Green Sword brand has been able to receive the love of consumers for so many years, stems from the unremitting efforts of the Green Sword Tea. The business philosophy of Green Sword is: taking technology as the guide, brand-name as the support, and taking the road of industrialized management. Through the establishment of professional tea cooperatives, sales and production, development bases, and development of agricultural orders, etc., the level of industrialization of Green Sword tea has been continuously improved.
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喝水的杯子,吃饭用的快餐盒,家里装酱油和醋的瓶子……身边到处都是塑料制品,但是你有没有注意到它底部那个小小的“三角”标志?你知不知道它们代表什么?会不会影响健康?看看下面吧!    网帖 塑料制品使用不当会“致癌”    王先生是郑州某广告公司的策划人员,由于工作原因经常熬夜。  12月20日晚上11时,王先生感觉有点饿,于是打开一包碗装泡面,加入热水、鸡蛋后将泡面放进微波炉,5分钟后一碗微波泡面