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俗话说:仁者乐山。但不知是因仁而乐山.还是因乐山而仁,总之我喜欢山。 许是从小就和山打交道,对山有一种奇特的情感。每到一地,若有人说去爬山,总是欣喜得不行,因每个地方的山都不一样.每一个不一样都会使你难忘。 这次去台湾,原本就是一份惊喜,到了台湾又去爬山,就欣喜若狂了,去爬的是台湾的最高峰,东北亚的最高峰——玉山,这惊喜、欣喜简直是喜不自 As the saying goes: Benevolent Leshan. But I do not know because of the Ren and Leshan, Leshan or Jen, in short I like the mountain. Xu is dealing with the mountains since childhood, a strange feeling on the mountain. Everywhere you go, it’s always a joy to go hiking if someone says to go hiking, because the mountains in every place are not the same. This trip to Taiwan was originally a surprise. When Taiwan went hiking again, it was ecstatic. It was Taiwan’s highest peak and the highest peak in Northeast Asia - Yushan.
IN the north of Yunnan’s Dali and to the south of ancient Lijiang City lies a basin surrounded by green hills. This basin, called “Bazi,” is bisected by a l
峨眉山的“双桥清音” 是由两条山溪——黑龙江和白龙江汇于清音阁牛心亭前;两江之水冲击在汇合处的巨石——牛心石上,发出清亮深沉的响声回荡在林涧深谷而得名. 如此佳景是
Sand-fixing and windbreak forests are widely used to protect or/and improve the ecological environments in arid and semi-arid regions. A full understanding of w
YANGJIANG inGuangdong Province can be summed up by the superlative “largest.” The city is the largestfruit jelly producer in Southeast Asia, the largest knif
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本刊由美国弗吉尼亚州立大学和弗吉尼亚理工学院C.S.Desai教授主编。编委会成员包括各国各科学家。本刊旨在研究有关地质力学中的数值与分 The magazine is edited by Virg