Foreign Direct Investment by Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises,the Impact of the Financial C

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The global market for foreign direct investment(FDI) has undergone significant changes in recent years,with the increasingly important role played by emerging market multinational enterprises(MNEs) being one of the most important among them.While outward FDI(OFDI) from these countries,in itself,is not new, the magnitude that this development has achieved has raised a host of issues,which we will examine in this volume.And we find there is a basic fact:countries do not look at FDI as an end in itself.Rather,it is seen as a tool to advance their development, be it as a home country or host country.As part of that,FDI is a powerful means to help countries in their integration into the world economy.In addition,economic development through integration into the world economy is one of the means by which countries lift themselves out of poverty. The global market for foreign direct investment (FDI) has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the important important role played by emerging market multinational enterprises (MNEs) being one of the most important among them. Wand foreign FDI (OFDI) from these countries , in itself, is not new, the magnitude that this development has achieved has raised a host of issues, which we will examine examine in this volume. And we find there is a basic fact: countries do not look at FDI as an end in itself .Rather, it is seen as a tool to advance their development, be it as a home country or host country.As part of that, FDI is a powerful means to help countries in their integration into the world economy. Addition, economic development through integration into the world economy is one of the means by which countries lift themselves out of poverty.
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