培养一流公安人才 迎接新世纪的挑战——浙江公安高等专科学校学生管理工作采撷

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学生工作是学校的一项重要工作。抓好学生的教育管理,对提高学生素质、实现培养目标具有关键性作用。近年来,浙江公安高等专科学校按照党的教育方针和公安高校培养高等应用人才的要求,以“围绕目标,配合教学;依靠学生,各方参与;自我教育,民主管理;狠抓‘三观’,开发潜力;严格规范,注重养成”为指导思想,积极探索,大胆实践,逐步建立起了一套适合未来公安工作需要的思想政治教育和警务化管理模式。一、坚持“政治建警”原则,以思想教育为基础,以精神文明建设为先导,扎扎实实地做好学生的思想政治工作。一是分阶段、多形式、系统化地开展“三观”教育,使广大学生牢固树立马克思主义的世界观,为人民事业奉献一切、奋斗终生的人生观、价值规;二是充分发挥学生处党总支、学生大队党支部的战斗堡垒作用和学生党员的先锋模范作用,积做引导广大学生向党组织靠拢。目前,递交入党申请书的学生已占学生总数的80%,其中有81名学生入了党、约占学生总数的8%;三是经常开展谈心活动,在认真做好学生的思想品德考评工作的基础 Student work is an important part of school. Do a good job in student education management, to improve the quality of students, to achieve the training objectives have a key role. In recent years, in accordance with the Party’s education policy and the requirements of public security colleges and universities in training higher-level applied talents, Zhejiang Public Security College has adopted “three goals of” focusing on the goal, cooperating with teaching, relying on the participation of students and all parties, self-education and democratic management ’, Development potential; strictly regulate and focus on development’ as the guiding ideology, actively explore and bold practice, and gradually establish a set of ideological and political education and policing management mode suitable for future public security work. First, adhere to the principle of “building a political police”, take ideological education as the foundation and spiritual civilization as the guide and do a good job in ideological and political work of students in a down-to-earth manner. First, carry out the “three perspectives” education systematically in stages, in multiple forms and systematically, so that the majority of students will firmly establish a Marxist world outlook, dedicate everything for the cause of the people and live a lifelong outlook on life and value. The second is to give full play to students Department Party branch, student brigade Party branch of the fighting fortress and student party members vanguard and exemplary role, plot to guide students to move closer to the party organization. At present, 80% of the total number of students who have submitted application for joining the party has already been enrolled. Among them, 81 students have joined the party, accounting for about 8% of the total number of students. Thirdly, they often conduct heart-talking activities and conscientiously do their ideological and moral evaluation Foundation
The interfacial effects on flow and heat transfer on micro/nano scale are discussed in this paper. Dif- ferent from bulk cases where interfaces can be simply tr
本文收集我院1997年8月至1998年所拍摄乳腺X线片400份,对其病变的性质、临床症状、X线表现及治疗进行回顾性分析。1一般资料 400例均为我院门诊病例,其中50例为普查病例。年龄最小20岁,最大78岁,多为30~45岁的