A Study on Womanism in The Color Purple through the Analyses of Celie’s Female Awakening Consciousne

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  【Abstact】The color purple is the work of the most outstanding black women writers, Alice Walker. In the novel, black women suffers with racial oppression and family violence. Alice Walker expresses black women’s misery to awaken their self-consciousness.
  【Key words】female awakening consciousness; womanism; racialism
  【作者簡介】齐欢(1993.7- ),男,汉族,黑龙江海伦人,哈尔滨师范大学,西语学院,研究方向:英语语言文学。
  I. Introduction of The Color Purple
  The Color Purple, with the same pattern, focuses on the exploration of both the unequal relationship between whites and blacks and the internal relations within the blacks. It mainly tells a story about the protagonist Celie, a black woman’s awakening consciousness engendered through the transformation from submission and oppression to independence and liberation. At the beginning, Celie was an innocent girl but was later raped by her stepfather and then she was forced to marry a black widower living with his several children. He treated her as badly as she was his inferior creature. But when Celie became acquainted with Shug, her husband’s lover, a newly independent woman, living a totally different life from her, Celie was much influenced by Shug’s new thought that woman should strive for their rights and equality spontaneously and eventually escaped from her miserable life and lived freely and independently.
  II. Alice Walker’s Womanism
  Womanism, coined by Alice Walker, is a social theory based on the discovery of the limitations of the Third-wave feminism movement in regards to the history and experiences of black women, and other women of marginalized groups. Alice Walker first utilized the term “womanist” in her work, which is derived from the southern folk expression “acting womanish.” According to Walker, feminism is incorporated into womanism but womanism also expands the incorporated theory. It focuses on both patriarchal and racial oppression and holds the belief that the double oppression is the source of black women’s miserable lives.
  The ultimate goal of womanism which is definitely different from feminism is the wholeness, the wholeness of woman, the man and the world. In The Color Purple, the wholeness mainly refers to the wholeness of black people. After black women realize their independence, they will not stand against the black men. What they will do is to build new relationship with them. Black men, the former oppressors, could also achieve transformation influenced by black women.   III. The Analyses of Celie’s Female Awakening Consciousness
  The black female was the lowest class in society. Their role was restrained due to the dual oppression of patriarchal society and racial discrimination. In the novel The Color Purple, after Celie’s entire detachment from her previously life, her husband gradually realized that his former behaviors to Celie was totally wrong and begged for Celie’s forgiveness. Celie doubtless accepted his apology and became mutual friends. From this perspective, black women and black men finally coexisted, formed a new relationship and achieved the wholeness life which was considered as the ultimate goal of womanism under Alice Walker’s writing. Walker advocates that after the black women win their independence, they should not be hostile to black men. Instead, both black women and men should reconcile with each other. What’s more, the black men, former oppressors, could also achieve transformations themselves influenced by black women. Finally, both black male and female could build new harmonious relationship and make progress together for the fusion of all nations.
  [1]Cui Hui.From the Oppressed to the Liberated—The Analysis to the Personality Development of the Protagonist Celie in The Color Purple[D],Hebei University,2010.
  [2]Gao xia.An Analysis of Alice Walker’s Womanism in The Color Purple[D],Huazhong University of Science
【摘要】中职英语作为一门重要的文化课,对中职学生的发展有着重要的作用。针对目前中等职业学校英语教学中存在的教育理念陈旧、学生缺乏学习热情,解决的主要方法是培养学生的学习兴趣,体验成就感;建立融洽的师生关系,创设轻松的学习环境,无论从学生现状、教材现状还是其他方面都给中职英语教师提出了更高更难的要求。面对中职英语的现状,我们应该沉下心里,分析问题所在,找出解决措施,并努力践行。  【关键词】中职学生
【摘要】本文以学习者的学习体验为基石,探讨语句听写这一看似平淡无奇的教学手段所带给学习者的成就感和信心提升作用。  【关键词】语句听写;EFL学习者;信心提升  【作者简介】刘欣娟(1969-),女,南京工业职业技术学院基础课部,文学硕士,副教授,研究方向:应用语言学。  一、引言  近年来,国内外不少研究在探讨并强调听写作为教学和测试手段的重要性。有研究表明,听写的过程反映了语言用于交际时所发生
【摘要】英语阅读对于学生在英语方面的听、说、写都有一定的影响,阅读作为学生获取英语信息的来源至关重要,学生英语阅读水平也直接关系着学生对英语知识的理解,同时,英语阅读对于培养学生的思维能力也有很大帮助。本文将结合新英语教学课程内容就提高高中英语的有效性教学进行探讨,通过采用合理的教学举措来提高学生英语阅读训练水平。  【关键词】英语阅读;有效性;高中英语  【作者简介】梁翠芝,福建浦城第一中学。 
【摘要】信息技术的发展和互联网在教育事业的普及,慕课作为一种新型教学形式开始应用于教学中,慕课能够提供更为公平的教学资源,有利于推动高职英语的创新改革。本文分析了高等职业院校英语教学中存在的问题,并在慕课背景下探讨了高等职业教育英语教学改革的现状,旨在打造高职院校英语教学的新局面。  【关键词】慕课 高职英语 教学改革 教学方法  慕课是一种依托信息技术的开放性在线授课教学,通过利用互联网和通信技
【摘要】在全球化与国际化的大趋势下,越来越多的高职院校注重英语方面的研究,采用双语标识牌。语用学作为一门语言上的新兴学科,基于新的视角,通过构建不同语境深入研究语言的运用与理解,对于解决翻译中语言使用的各种问题有较大应用价值。该文结合语用学探讨基于语境、关联理论以及文化差异下高职校园的公共标识的翻译研究及对策。  【关键词】语用学;标识牌;关联原则;文化差异  【作者简介】李志华(1981.05-
【摘要】在大学英语教学中,对学生英语翻译能力的培养是十分重要的。翻译从实质上来说是两种不同文化之间的交流与沟通,因此在大学英语翻译教学中需要注意对大学生进行跨文化意识的培养,使大学生在英语翻译时可以充分考虑国家与国家之间的文化差异,提高英语翻译质量。  【关键词】大学英语;翻译教学;跨文化意识  【作者简介】康春光,内蒙古民族大学大学外语教学部。  现阶段虽然很多大学注意到英语翻译在大学英语教学中
【摘要】作业是初中学生英语学习活动中不可或缺的重要组成部分,本文作者结合自身的教学实践经验,以“调动学生兴趣的英語作业”“贴合学生生活的英语作业”及“发展学生能力的英语作业”三个方面入手,就初中英语个性化作业的设计展开了详细探讨。  【关键词】初中英语;个性化作业;兴趣;生活;能力  【作者简介】朱明明,山东省宁阳县第二十四中学。  作业是学生学习活动的重要组成部分,对于学生是否能牢固掌握课堂所学
随着英语教学改革的不断深入,听力题在英语测试中所占的比例越来越重,难度也越来越大。然而平时在教学中学生的听力的训练时间是有限的。无疑,教师面临着如何在有限的课时内进行有效的听力教学的严峻挑战。作为教师很有必要在如何提高学生的听力能力方面寻找新的思路。  一、初中英语学习者的听力障碍  1.语音的障碍。语音是构成学生听力障碍的最重要的因素之一。语音障碍包括语音、语调和朗读的各种技巧。如单词重音、语句
【摘要】随着时代的发展和社会的变迁,相关信息化技术等方面不断改变人们的生产生活。时代在进步,社会对于人才的需求也渐渐变得多元化,相应的教学工作开展也应该做出一定程度的改变和修正。从综合角度来说,一系列教学工作的进行也需要与时俱进,尤其高校培育出来的人才是为了进一步服务社会、应用社会的高等人才,积极开展相应的教学改革十分重要。本文就信息化时代微课在大学英语教学变革中的应用做简单的分析和探讨。  【关