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“我”和“我们”的奥妙 上次我谈了“你”和“您”的奥妙,这次再谈谈“我”和“我们”。 在语法上,第一人称单数称“我”,复数称“我们”,这是极其简单的。但在语用修辞上却是奥妙无穷。不仅外国人感到复杂,中国人有时也难以准确把握。 在很多情况下,单数第一人称不用“我”,而用“我们”。它有时表示谦逊、礼貌,好像与别人共同商量、讨论;有时表示热情、信任,使人感到亲切、自然;有时表示含蓄、委婉,不直露自己的心怀;有时表示团结、共勉,使人感到是知己,是伙伴。总之,强调集体,强调“你中有我,我中有你”的和谐气氛。 还不仅如此,戴厚英在她的《人啊,人!》这部小说中,对第一人称复数代词“我们”有一段议论。她说:“一个简简单单的复数名词,可以表示出多种不同的意思。可以表示自己人多势众,也可以表示自己谦虚谨慎。可以代表组织和群众,又可以掩藏自己”。 小说中描写孙悦到医院探望何荆夫时,对何荆夫说;“一个人生活有很多不便罢?出了事也没人知道,也怪我们对你关心不够。”她本来应该说:“也怪我对你关心不够。”说出来时“我”变成了“我们”,从而掩盖了自己的真实感情。 原来他们两人是大学时的同学,孙悦爱过何荆夫。但后来何被错划为右派,开除出校;孙嫁了他人,又在文革时被丈夫抛弃? The Mystery of “Me” and “Us” Last time I talked about the mystery of “you” and “you”, this time about “me” and “us.” Grammatically, it is extremely simple for the first person to sing the word “me” and the plural to call “us.” But in pragmatic rhetoric, it is infinitely wonderful. Not only are the foreigners feeling complicated, it is sometimes difficult for Chinese to grasp it accurately. In many cases, the singular first person does not use “me,” but “us.” Sometimes it means humility and courtesy, as if to discuss and discuss with others; sometimes to show enthusiasm, trust, people being kind and natural; sometimes implicit, tactful, not revealing one’s own heart; sometimes to show unity, mutual encouragement, people feel Is a friend, is a partner. In short, emphasizing the collective, emphasizing the “you have me, I have you,” a harmonious atmosphere. Not only that, Dai Houying in her “man, man!” This novel, the first person plural pronouns “we” have a discussion. She said: “A simple plural noun can be used to express a variety of different meanings, to show one’s superiority over others, to be modest and cautious, to represent the organization and the masses, and to hide oneself.” Describing Sun Yue to the hospital to visit He Jingfu in the novel, he said to He Jingfu: “There is a lot of inconvenience in living one’s life, and no one knows or blames us for not paying enough attention to you.” She should have said: “I blame me You do not care enough. ”When you say it,“ I ”becomes“ us, ”thus obscuring your true feelings. The original two of them are college classmates, Sun Yue love He Jingfu. But then what was wrongly classified as right, expelled from school; Sun married to another, was abandoned by her husband during the Cultural Revolution?
一九八四年在羊城举行的全国中国象棋个人赛,精英荟萃、强手如林,战事精彩纷呈、波澜迭起。笔者弈海拾珠,拙选两则高手佳作,在此试评,以飨象棋爱好者。(一) 赵国荣(红先胜)
一是巴西马拉卡纳体育场,它落成于一九五○年世界杯足球大赛前夕,呈椭圆形,周长九百四十米,高三十二米,可容纳二十五万人左右. 二是联邦德国慕尼黑体育场,由三十三个场馆组
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