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问:修订本《中国历史》课本第二册(以下简称修订本)宋元部分,在章节子目内容上有哪些主要的变动和增删?答:宋元部分在章节的安排上,把原课本第二册第四章《民族融合的进一步加强和封建经济的继续发展——辽、宋、夏、金元》分为四章,各章的分节和内容请看课本.这次比较大的变动是把原课本第四节《金和宋的关系》的内容,分为两节,一节放在北宋的一章讲,一节放在南宋的一章讲.这样分,一是因为原来的一节内容太多,一节课讲不完.更主要的是,这样划分,历史的阶段性比较清楚,可以显现出,北宋、南宋两个历史时期;也可以显现出,金这个朝代在我国历史上对北宋、南宋均有巨大影响,从而说明金的重要地位. Q: What are the major changes and additions and deletions in the section of the Song and Yuan dynasties on the second edition of this textbook of “Chinese History” (hereinafter referred to as the revised version)? A: The Song and Yuan dynasties arrange the original textbooks The second chapter of the fourth chapter “to further strengthen the national integration and the continued development of feudal economy - Liao, Song, Xia, Jin and Yuan” is divided into four chapters, the chapters and the contents of the section, see the textbook. The change is divided into two sections, the fourth section of the original text “the relationship between gold and Song”, divided into two sections, one section on the Northern Song Dynasty one chapter, one section on the Southern Song chapter .In this way, one because the original More content, a lesson to talk about more .. More importantly, this division, the stage of history more clearly, you can show the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties of the two historical periods; also can be seen that this dynasty in the gold The history of our country has a tremendous influence on the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties, thus illustrating the important status of gold.
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