民办职业教育培训 大步走向新时代 全国部分民办职业教育培训机构代表学习贯彻《民办教育促进法》座谈会发言摘要

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随着经济社会的迅速发展,民办职业教育培训充分发挥有力服务于经济社会的功能,面向市场,灵活办学,开拓进取,不畏艰难困阻,培养了数以千万计的技能人才,在我国经济建设中发挥着越来越重要的作用。民办职业教育培训越来越受到党和国家、全社会的重视,党的十六大报告中明确提出“鼓励社会力量办学”;前不久颁布的《民办教育促进法》(以下简称《促进法》),更是为民办职业教育培训创造了新的发展空间。处于新的历史时期,民办职业教育培训将担负起重任,发挥更大的作用。为了更好学习贯彻《促进法》,进一步将民办职业教育培训推向新的发展阶段,日前,中国职工教育和职业培训协会于广东省东莞市举办了学习贯彻《促进法》座谈会。与会代表畅所欲言,各抒己见,从不同角度展示了民办职业教育培训的现状、存在的问题和今后发展的前景。会议期间,与会代表参观了广东省部分民办职业教育培训学校,从而看到了民办职业教育培训的强劲发展势头,增强了办好民办职业教育培训的信心。大家一致认为:当前,我们正处在一个发展民办职业教育培训的良好时期。这个时期充满机遇,充满商机,并且具有极大的发展潜力。尽管目前还有种种方面的不利因素,但是,民办职业教育培训发展的大势不可阻挡,这必将形成中国职业教育培训的澎湃大潮,更加? With the rapid development of economy and society, the private vocational education and training fully exerts the functions of serving the economy and society to a full extent. In the face of the market, flexible running schools, pioneering and enterprising, we are brave enough to struggle and have trained tens of millions of skilled personnel in our country Economic construction is playing an increasingly important role. Private vocational education and training are increasingly valued by the party, the state and the society as a whole. The report of the party’s 16th CPC National Congress explicitly states that “social forces should be encouraged to run schools.” The “Private Education Promotion Law” (“Promotion Law” ), But also for private occupation education and training has created a new space for development. In the new historical period, private vocational education and training will assume an important task and play a greater role. In order to better study and implement the “Law on Promotion” and further push private vocational education and training to a new stage of development, a few days ago, China Association of Workers Education and Vocational Training held a forum on studying and implementing the “Promotion Law” in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. The participants gave their opinions and expressed their opinions freely, demonstrating the status quo, problems and prospect of private vocational education and training from different angles. During the meeting, the delegates visited some private vocational education and training schools in Guangdong Province, so as to see the strong momentum of private vocational education and training and enhance the confidence in running private vocational education and training. All agreed that: At present, we are in a good period of developing private vocational education and training. This period is full of opportunities, full of business opportunities, and has great potential for development. Although there are still various unfavorable factors, the trend of the development of privately-run vocational education and training is irresistible. This will surely form the surge of vocational education and training in China and even more?
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