An Old Street

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dayu1215
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Beijing’s cultural heritage on Liulichang Street is ready to embrace a promising future Outside of the Forbidden City, Beijing’s historical districts offer unique scenes of Chinese culture to tourists from around the world. Preserving this cultural heritage is an important task in the rapidly expanding metropolis. Liulichang (meaning Glass Street in English) stretches 800 Beijing’s cultural heritage on Liulichang Street is ready to embrace a promising future Outside of the Forbidden City, Beijing’s historical offers offer scenes of Chinese culture to tourists from around the world. Preserving this cultural heritage is an important task in the rapidly expanding metropolis. Liulichang (meaning Glass Street in English) stretches 800
1 临床资料 1989年1月至1993年12月,我院收治子痫33例,农村转入32例占97%;5年先后分布例数为:12、8、5、5、3例;年龄最大42岁2例,最小19岁1例,第一胎24例;产前检查0~2次30例占
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IN 2012, Chinese artist Chen Yanrong was invited to teach paper cutting in Mauritius and Seychelles. over the course of 11 days, she gave instruction to 75 african students who were eager to learn the
5月,汽油市场行情将以稳定为主,价格或小幅上涨。调价预期或在5月中下旬释放,随着备货需求以及突发因素致使柴油需求拉高,价格或将再次上扬。 May, the gasoline market wil
1 病例报告患者,女,56岁。因下腹部肿物4个月,排便困难1月,于1996—03—15入院。查体:血压13.3/10.0kPa(100/75mmHg),脉搏88/min。体质消瘦。下腹部可触及儿头大的肿物,质地
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