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连日来,杭州、苏州、无锡、南京等城市的经贸代表团纷纷来到香港,他们不仅与港商签订了数百亿港元的投资合作项目,更签订了贸易投资、中小企业合作、采购合同、旅游合作、人才培训等一系列协议和备忘录。苏州将增开直通香港货运班列,无锡建设CEPA服务中心,杭州将建内地最大“香港商品城”……香港与长江三角洲地区的经贸合作正持续快速升温。《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)所提供的涉及有关货物贸易、服务贸易和贸易投资的优惠政策和便利措施,使内地与香港经济一体化进程步入新的起点。CEPA实施以来,把握时机、发掘商机,使经济活跃的长三角成为与香港经贸合作加强的突出区域。长三角地区龙头城市上海,与香港确定了金融、物流、会展等八个领域为近期合作重点,并已达成CEPA框架下相关的合作协议,如两地机场合作方面,首批在港招聘的11位专才目前已在沪工作。CEPA实施后内地省份赴港首个大型经贸活动——“2004香港·浙江周”1月在港举行期间,推出了148项大型招商项目,在香港引起热烈反响。上周在此间举行的“CEPA与杭港商贸服务业合作”圆桌会议上,杭州市有关官员透露,杭州市筹建的1万多平方米、内地最大的“香港商品城”将于10月开张。同时,杭州正在构建与香港经贸合作的快车道,在货物贸易、服务贸易和贸易投资便利化领域全面加强与香港的合作与交流。而正在此间举行的“苏港合作促进周”上,苏港已签订采购项目102个,采购额达73亿港元;签订投资合作项目合同164个,总投资额达660亿港元。双方在服务业、贸易、投资、旅游业、人才交流和培训、拓展合作腹地等方面取得全新进展。有关专家认为,借助香港优势提升区域经济竞争力是长三角与香港合作提速的重要原因,香港在融资、 In recent days, economic and trade delegations from Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing have all come to Hong Kong. They not only signed tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars worth of investment cooperation projects with Hong Kong businessmen, but also signed trade and investment cooperation, SME cooperation contracts, procurement contracts, Tourism cooperation, personnel training and a series of agreements and memorandums. Suzhou will open more freight trains to Hong Kong and Wuxi to build CEPA service centers. Hangzhou will build the largest “Hong Kong Commodity City” in the Mainland ... ... The economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and the Yangtze River Delta region is continuing to heat up rapidly. The preferential policies and facilitation measures related to trade in goods, trade in services and trade and investment provided by the CEPA on the Mainland and Hong Kong have taken the process of economic integration between the Mainland and Hong Kong to a new starting point. Since the implementation of CEPA, seizing the opportunity and exploring business opportunities have made the economically active Yangtze River Delta a prominent region in strengthening economic and trade cooperation with Hong Kong. Shanghai and Hong Kong, the leading cities in the Yangtze River Delta, have identified eight key areas of cooperation such as finance, logistics and convention and have reached cooperation agreements under the framework of CEPA. For instance, the first batch of airport operators in Hong Kong is 11 Specialists are currently working in Shanghai. During the CEPA’s first major trade and economic event in Hong Kong after the implementation of CEPA in 2004, “148 Hong Kong and Zhejiang Weeks” were held in Hong Kong in January, 148 major investment projects were launched, arousing enthusiastic response in Hong Kong. Last week at the “CEPA and Hangzhou-Hong Kong Business Services Cooperation” roundtable, Hangzhou officials revealed that the construction of Hangzhou City, more than 10,000 square meters, the Mainland’s largest “Hong Kong City” will be Opened in October. In the meantime, Hangzhou is building a fast track for economic and trade cooperation with Hong Kong and comprehensively strengthening cooperation and exchanges with Hong Kong in the areas of trade in goods, trade in services and facilitation of trade and investment. At the “Jiangsu-Hong Kong Cooperation and Promotion Week” held here, Su-Hong has signed 102 procurement projects with a total purchase value of 7.3 billion Hong Kong dollars. It has signed 164 investment cooperation projects with a total investment of 66 billion Hong Kong dollars. Both sides made new progress in services, trade, investment, tourism, talent exchange and training, and expansion of their cooperation hinterland. Relevant experts believe that using Hong Kong’s advantages to enhance regional economic competitiveness is an important reason for the speedy cooperation between the Yangtze River Delta and Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a lot to offer in financing,
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