
来源 :青春男女生(妙语) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szcbg
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一、因为我不会英语11岁,王洛勇孤身一人去外地一所戏曲学校学习京剧;17岁,因受伤和变声,不得不改行,到武汉音乐学院主修乐器,毕业后当了一名“洋吹鼓手”; 24岁,赴上海戏剧学院报考话剧表演专业,毕业后留校担任教师;28岁,他只身来到美国学习西方戏剧。王洛勇踏进了路易斯安那大学的戏剧系。可他英语实在不行,美国教授说什么,他全然不懂。教授向他提问,他都一律地回答“YES”。后来教授看穿了他的“西洋镜”,就对他说:“你听不懂,就不必再来上课了。” One, because I do not speak English 11 years old, Wang Luoyong alone went to a drama school in the field to study Peking Opera; 17-year-old, because of injuries and changing voice, had to diverted to Wuhan Conservatory of Music majoring in musical instruments, after graduating as a “foreign Drummer ”; 24 years old, went to the Shanghai Theater Academy to apply for drama performances, after graduating from school as a teacher; 28 years old, he came to the United States alone to study Western drama. Wang Luoyong stepped into the Theater Department of Louisiana University. He can not English, what the professor said, he did not understand. The professor asked him questions, and he answered “YES” uniformly. Later, when the professor saw through his “Diorama,” he said to him: “If you do not understand it, you do not have to come to class again.”
食醋催眠:长途旅行后劳累过度,夜难安眠,可将一汤匙食醋对入一杯温开水内慢服。饮后静心闭目,不久便会入睡。 糖水催眠:若因烦躁发怒而难入睡时,可饮一杯糖水。因为糖在体内
目的 探讨颅咽管瘤瘤内脓肿的临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗方法的选择.方法 报道1例误诊为脑脓肿,术后病理证实为颅咽管瘤瘤内脓肿病例,结合文献复习进行分析.结果 患者男
1987年9月18日,山西大学部分居民发现饮用水混浊、有异味。饮用此水的3900人中有1000余人饮用此水后1~2天出现腹痛腹泻,恶心呕吐.食欲不振等消化道症状。 经调查,饮用水由蓄
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