Evaluating the Quality of Multiple—Choice Items for Reading Comprehension in the 2018 First Moc

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  1. Test description
  1.1 General description of the first mock test
  The Senior High School Entrance Exam is held in the middle of June every year in Guangzhou, China. It aims at examining whether the junior high school graduates have achieved the English level which is set according to the English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2001), and how much they have achieved. This exam is a high-stakes test. It has serious consequences for schools, teachers, and students (Callet, 2005). A candidate’s study plan mainly depends on the results of this exam, since it is used to select the suitable students for senior high school education. The stakeholders are those who will be affected by the outcomes of the test (Davies, 1999), including parents, students, teachers, the educational bureau and so on. They pay much attention to this exam. Therefore, nearly all the districts and some prestigious junior high schools organize mock tests before the Senior High School Entrance Exam every year so that the stakeholders can predict how well the candidates can perform in the entrance exam.
  The first mock test is regarded as the most important mock test, as it is organized by the district educational bureau. All the schools in the district participate in the first mock test. They will be ranked according to their outcomes of the test and so will the students. The outcomes reflect so far how well a school has helped its students to review the knowledge and skills. In addition, before the entrance exam, candidates refer to the results they got from the first mock test to fill in the senior high school application form. Thus, the first mock test plays an important role in influencing the school’s fame and the candidate’s chance of entering a senior high school.
  There were 1,0695 candidates taking part in the 2018 first Mock Test of Baiyun District where I have been working. The number of candidates participating in this test in the school where I work is 460. The district educational researcher designs the test. The reading section contains two parts. One is reading comprehension, the other is reading and gap-filling. The total score of the test is 150, and the reading comprehension accounts for 40 scores, which means approximately 26.67% of the whole test. There are four passages in the reading comprehension. The words of each passage is around 300. There are five multiple choice items under each passage. Except the sections of the Vocabulary Spelling, Sentence Completion, Short Essay Writing, which are scored by the selected teachers from each school of the district, the other sections of the test are scored by the computer.   1.2 Motivation of the research and my research question
  I am teaching Junior 3 students during this academic year. My students are busy preparing for the entrance exam by doing piles of test papers. On the other hand, I also have to do many test papers and to sum up the rules and strategies about how to tackle the test for my students. However, some papers are of low quality. Sometimes my students complain the items set ridiculous traps for them. Both my students and I wonder whether the items really test what they intend to measure. Therefore, it is important for me to explore the test quality of reading comprehension items in the first mock test.
  My research question is to what extent is the first mock test valid in terms of test quality.
  1.3 The structure of my assignment
  My essay contains six parts. In the first part, I will introduce the general description of the reading section of the test, the motivation, the research question and the structure of my essay. The next part is the literature review which includes the understanding of validity, aspects of reading, multiple choice test items and guidelines used in reading assessment. The third part is the methodology and limitation. I will use the guidelines in reading assessment with multiple choice questions to inspect whether the test items are valid. Also, the limitation of the research will be mentioned. In the fourth part, I will present the findings and analyze the problems of the items. Suggestions for improving the items will be shown in the fifth part. The last part is the conclusion, where the main points of the essay will be summarized.
  2. Literature review
  2.1 Validity
  The meaning of validity has changed in the past decades. In the past, validity was seen as a typical feature of a test. If a test or its composing section measures what it plans to measure, then the test or its composing section is valid (Henning, 1987). Cronbach and Meehl put forth that there were several types of validity—construct validity, concurrent validity, predictive validity and content validity (Cronbach
【Abstract】psychological control is an important dimension for parenting ways. The methods of researching psychological control mainly include questionnaires and observation. The current research on ps
【摘要】随着全球化的深入和中国经济的腾飞,熟知各国法律规则以促进我国与贸易伙伴在经济、贸易与科技等领域内进行深度合作的重要意义日益凸显,法律英语翻译越发不可或缺。本文概述了生态翻译学的发展与基本理念,分析了法律英语的基本特点,研究了“多维整合原则”与“多元共生原则”指导下的法律英语翻译策略,提出法律翻译即译者以生态翻译学的原则为指导,在整个翻译生态中进行多维度多层次的适应性选择的过程。  【关键词
【摘要】幽默可以称得上是我们生活中的一剂调味品,给我们带来了许多乐趣。这种幽默可以来自喜剧小品,漫画或是哑剧。而本文主要基于合作原则理论,探讨它与喜剧小品中幽默的关系,并揭露其产生机制,希望能够帮助我们更好地理解和创作喜剧小品。  【关键词】合作原则;喜剧小品;言语幽默  【作者简介】何艳(1995-),女,汉族,湖北黄冈人,云南师范大学外国语学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学。一、引言  幽默
【摘要】课题组在ESP理论框架下对《法律英语》课程进行需求分析,以此建构出“分层渐进式”ESP教学模式,并应用于《法律英语》视听说教学。  【关键词】需求分析;法律英语;视听说  【作者简介】熊天添(1980-),女,湖南长沙人,湘潭大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:外语教学与跨文化交际、法律英语。  【基金项目】湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划课题“基于世界大学城空间教学平台的《看美剧学英语》公
【摘要】 随着现代信息技术的日新月异的发展,信息技术在高校教学中得到较为广泛的应用,促进了大学英语教学模式、方式方法前所未有的改革,基于此,高校紧抓这次教育契机,推动教育教学与信息技术的深度融合,鼓励广大教师最大限度地利用在线优质资源,优先选用省级、国家级精品在线课程,实现对知名在线开放课程平台的对接,积极开展混合式教学,持续深入高校教学改革。文章基于在线直播课背景下,剖析了当前大学英语“线上线下
【摘要】随着现在社会的不断发展,经济全球化已经成了一种主要的发展趋势。在这样的社会背景下,小学英语的教学则也变得十分重要。但是在实际的小学英语教学课堂中,由于小学生对外来语言的接受能力较差,再加上他们需要克服国语所带给他们的影响,所以他们的学习效率不是很高。在这样的情况下,老师就可以积极的课堂中引入思维导图的教学模式。本文就主要结合实践教学,对思维导图在小学英语教学中的运用策略进行了探究。  【关
【摘要】语言经济学作为经济学的一个分支,从经济学的角度研究语言本身及其与经济发展之间的关系。外语学习是全球化背景下社会发展的要求,语言作为一种人力资本,也将促进经济的发展。本文尝试从语言经济学的角度,探讨大学生英语语言学习和经济发展的关系,以及为使学生受益最大化而采取的措施。  【关键词】语言经济;人力资本;大学生英语语言学习  【作者简介】张璐璐(1993.03-),女,汉族,山东聊城人,济南市
【摘要】无论是在高考中还是在日常应用中,学生的英语书面表达能力水平都具有非常重要的实际意义。另外,学生的英语书面表达能力能够体现学生对英语语法、词汇等知识的掌握情况,并且学生写作能力、词汇量水平、语法掌握情况的锻炼与培养,是相辅相成的。在实际教学过程中,我们发现语块和图式理论的运用能够有效提高学生的英语书面表达能力。本文则针对这一教学思想进行了分析和探讨。  【关键词】书面表达;语块;教学策略;英
【摘要】课堂是教育教学实施的主阵地,提高课堂教学效率,实施有效教学是完成小学英语教学目标、提升小学英语教学质量的重要途径。小学英语教师必须立足于课堂,积极探索科学有效的教学方法,优化教学设计,完成教学目标,促进学生的英语综合素养的发展。  【关键词】培养兴趣;语感培养;多媒体教学  【作者简介】李倩,甘肃省通渭县陇阳小学,一级教师,研究方向:小学英语教学。  随着新课程的全面推进,农村小学英语教学