求实 创新 争一流——巩固和发展现代化矿井建设成果的体会

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东庞煤矿是河北南部最大的煤矿,年设计能力180万t,并附有一座相同入洗能力的选煤厂。1983年年底投产以来,他们以改革为动力,以提高经济效益为中心,以建设现代化矿井为目标,不断防骄破满,依靠科学技术进步,大上高架综采,加强现代化管理,在四化建设中取得了可喜的成绩。1987年被原煤炭部命名为质量标准化矿井,1988年2月又被命名为现代化矿井;同时成为河北省职工生活福利达标先进矿;1987年选煤厂九级冶炼精煤获省优、部优称号;六级冶炼精煤获省优产品称号,1988年又获部优称号,1988年11月份获国家银质奖,1989年元月被总公司命名为现代化选煤厂。1988年原煤产量达到200.1988万t,实现利润1650万元。东庞职工“求实、创新、争一流”的精神是值得赞扬的,东庞煤矿的经验是值得推广的。为此,我们特编辑了这组稿件,奉献给广大读者,希望它对河北煤炭事业的兴旺发达,对多出煤、出好煤、缓解能源紧张局面,对支援河北及全国的社会主义四化建设,有所裨益。 Dong Pang Coal Mine is the largest coal mine in southern Hebei with an annual design capacity of 1.8 million t and a coal preparation plant with the same capacity for laundering. Since they were put into operation in late 1983, they took reform as a driving force, focused on improving economic efficiency and the goal of building a modernized mine. They continued to prevent arrogance and arrogance, and relied on advances in science and technology, large-scale and fully-mechanized integrated mining to enhance modern management, Construction has made gratifying achievements. 1987 was named the former coal quality standardization of the Ministry of Coal Mine, in February 1988 was renamed the modernization of mines; the same time, Hebei Province, workers and workers to achieve the standard of living advanced welfare mines; Title; six smelting coal by the provincial title of superior products, in 1988 won the title of buiness, in November 1988 won the national silver medal, in January 1989 by the Corporation named the modernization of the coal preparation plant. In 1988, the output of raw coal reached 200,198,800 tons, and the profit was 16,500,000 yuan. East Pang staff “truth-seeking, innovative, top-notch” spirit is commendable, the experience of Dong Pang Coal Mine is worth promoting. For this reason, we specially edited this set of manuscripts and dedicated them to readers. We hope that it will prosper the coal industry in Hebei Province, give more coal, generate better coal, ease energy tensions, and support the four modernizations of Hebei and the entire country Construction, be helpful.
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