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作出决定的艺术 古谚有云:政治家是在任职期间成熟起来的。根据我的经验,情况并非如此。高级官职使政治家学会怎样作出决定,却并不教给他实质性的东西。它使用学识,却并不增长学识。多数高级官员在离职时抱有和刚任职时相同的看法和洞察力;他们学会的是怎样作出决定,而不是作出什么决定。 The ancient saying goes that the politicians are mature during their tenure. In my experience, this is not the case. Senior officials make politicians learn how to make decisions, but do not teach him substantive things. It uses knowledge, but does not increase knowledge. Most senior officials share the same views and insights when leaving office as they did when they first assumed office; what they learned was how to make a decision, not a decision.
包虫病(Hydatid disease)是由细粒棘球绦虫(Echinococcus granulosus,Eg)、多房棘球绦虫(E.oligarthrus)、寡节棘球绦虫(E.oligarthrus Diesing)和福氏棘球绦虫(E.vogeli Rau
Traffic matrix is an abstract representation of the traffic volume flowing between sets of source and destination pairs.It is a key input parameter of network o
AIM:To investigate the activity of vesicular glutamate transporter-3(VGLUT3) in a visceral hyperalgesia rat model of irritable bowel syndrome,and the role of ma
梁山好汉,不打不相识! 最明显例子是李逵与张顺。 一个是旱地凶煞,外号黑旋风;一个是水中恶蛟,混名浪里白条。陆地上打了一场,尚不过瘾,船上、水中又一通混战,浔阳江烟水丽景
AIM:To characterize an alcohol and high fat diet induced chronic pancreatitis rat model that mimics poor human dietary choices.METHODS:Experimental rats were fe