Influence Factors of the Generation and Accumulation of Electric Charge on the Oil-Delivery Metal Pi

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DK3884123
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The interfacial electrification properties play an important role in the electrochemical corrosion reaction which leads the electrostatic charge to generate and accumulate on the metal surface when the insulating oil flows through a metal pipe. In this paper, the interfacial electrification properties resulted by the oil flow rate and the action of electric charge trapper are investigated by measuring the current and potential on the surface of the test metal pipe. The measured results showed that the current and potential between the metal pipe and the earth increased with the rise of flow rate; and as the flow rate increased, the growth trends of the current and potential difference between two close flow rates increased and decreased, respectively, while there was an electric charge trapper set in the radial direction of the pipe, the measured current and potential decreased compared with that of without electric charge trapper, which was because it captured and caught part of charge in the oil flow bulk to neutralize the opposite charge on the surface of the metal pipe. The interfacial electrification properties play an important role in the electrochemical corrosion reaction which leads the electrostatic charge to generate and accumulate on the metal surface when the insulating oil flows through a metal pipe. and the action of electric charge trapper are investigated by measuring the current and potential on the surface of the test metal pipe. The measured results showed that the current and potential between the metal pipe and the earth increased with the rise of the flow rate; and as the flow rate increased, the growth trends of the current and potential difference between two close flow rates increased and decreased, respectively, while, was there electric charge trapper set in the radial direction of the pipe, the measured current and potential decreased compared with that of without electric charge trapper, which was because it captured and caught part of charg e in the oil flow bulk to neutralize the opposite charge on the surface of the metal pipe.
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