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为使本刊更好地服务于读者,回报社会,自本期起,我们正式推出一个全新的栏目——“实用经营(营销)资料报道’。本栏目将分期分批地刊登全国各行各业各企业名录(名片)资料、营销策略与技巧等资料介绍。这些资料具有如下特点:①范围广:除国家保密的部队、军工、高层政府部门之外,其余如市、县、镇、乡政府、机关、事业、牧、农、工商企业、教育、医院、学校、科研单位、居委会、村委会、种植、养殖等等,各省市各行业无所不包;②内容全:这些资料都详细提供了各企业事业单位的邮编、地址、单位名、负责人姓名、电话、传真、电子邮件、经营范围(或供求品种)等信息。③权威性:所有资料都收集于国家级权威部门;④时效性强:全部资料均为今年编印。⑤形式多样:既有书面资料,也有磁盘、光盘资料;⑥实用性:这些宝贵的商务情报资料,是企业经营、管理人员人手必备的工具书,是科研单位转让技术、企业或个人推销或采购商品、招商招展、各报刊的广告部及广告公司联系广告刊户等的无价之宝。说这些信息是一种巨大的无形资产一点也不为过:它使您寄发批量业务信件、打电话、发传真、发E-mail、出差联系业务变得极为轻松方便,是购销双方成交业务的红娘。茫茫商海何处 In order to make this magazine serve the readers better and repay the society, from this issue, we have officially launched a new section - ”Practical Business (Marketing) Information Report." This section will be published in phases and in batches across the country Industry information (business cards) information, marketing strategies and techniques, etc. These materials have the following characteristics: ① a wide range of: In addition to the national security forces, military, high-level government departments, the rest, such as cities, counties, towns and villages All the provinces, cities and all walks of life are omnipresent in government, organ, enterprise, animal husbandry, agriculture, industrial and commercial enterprises, education, hospitals, schools, research institutes, neighborhood committees, village committees, planting and breeding; Detailed information such as zip code, address, organization name, name of responsible person, telephone number, fax number, e-mail, scope of business (or supply and demand) of each enterprise and institution, etc. ③ Authority: All the information is collected at the national authority department; ④ timeliness: all data are printed this year. ⑤ form a variety of: both written information, but also disk, CD-ROM information; ⑥ practicality: these valuable business intelligence information is the business , Management staff necessary manuals, is the transfer of scientific research units, businesses or individuals to sell or purchase of goods, investment breeze, all newspapers and advertising agencies advertising agencies contactless advertising, etc. Such a tremendous amount of information that is a huge Of the intangible assets is not an exaggeration: it allows you to send bulk business letters, phone calls, fax, send E-mail, business travel business has become extremely easy and convenient, both buyers and sellers deal business matchmaker.
中国的民营企业跟国外的私营企业、民营企业不一样,带着自己的特色。 China’s private enterprises are not the same as private companies and private enterprises in fo
丹麦的经验显示:经济的增长可以与能源消费的增长成功地分离开来,现在的丹麦已经有能力提供一种有利于环境的成本合理的能源技术。 Denmark's experience shows that econom
相比国内企业在立法过程中的相对沉默,外资公司积极建言的意识和作为,或许应成为一种有益的示范。  由商务部和国家工商总局分别起草的《直销管理条例》和《取缔非法传销条例》草案,于1月初报送国务院法制办。2005年1月12日,来自世界各地的18家跨国直销公司的CEO们在北京国际俱乐部饭店召开世界直销协会联盟首席执行官委员会(WFDSA-CEO)峰会。  “在世界直销协会联盟看来,很多事是应该具有灵活性的
目的 研究热休克蛋白 47(HSP47)在人肝癌癌周组织以及大鼠胃溃疡组织中的表达和分布 ,并讨论其意义。方法 采用免疫组织化学方法检测了 6例肝癌手术切除标本及乙酸诱导后不