Epidemiology and Rb 1 gene of retinoblastoma

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghong098
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Retinoblastoma(Rb) is the most common eye cancer in children and it can be inherited.Rb is quite rare and originators from the neural retina with a significant genetic component in etiology,which occurs in approximately 1 in every 20 0000 births.In children with the heritable genetic form of Rb,there is a mutation on chromosome 13,called the retinoblastoma 1(Rb 1) gene.Early diagnosis and intervention is critical to the successful treatment of the Rb.The Rb 1 gene is the first cloned tumor suppressor gene.As a negative regulator of the cell cycle,Rb 1 gene could maintain a balance between cell growth and development through binding to transcription factors and regulating the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and differentiation.Thus,it is involved in cell cycle,cell senescence,growth arrest,apoptosis and differentiation.We summarized the recent advances on the epidemiology and Rb 1 gene of Rb in this review. Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common eye cancer in children and it can be inherited. Rb is quite rare and originators from the neural retina with a significant genetic component in etiology, which occurs in approximately 1 in every 20 0000 births.In children with the heritable genetic form of Rb, there is a mutation on chromosome 13, called the retinoblastoma 1 (Rb 1) gene. Early diagnosis and intervention is critical to the successful treatment of the Rb. The Rb 1 gene is the first cloned tumor suppressor gene . As a negative regulator of the cell cycle, Rb 1 gene could maintain a balance between cell growth and development through binding to transcription factors and regulating the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Thus, it is involved in cell cycle, cell senescence, growth arrest, apoptosis and differentiation. We summarized the recent advances on the epidemiology and Rb 1 gene of Rb in this review.
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