
来源 :微量元素与健康研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzllh
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目的:调查大连市2011~2013年从业人员梅毒感染现状,探讨防控对策与措施。方法:采用环状片测试法(TRUST)进行初筛,阳性者采用梅毒螺旋体血球凝集试验(TPPA)进行确诊。采用Excel电子表格进行资料整理及SPSS13.0进行数据分析。结果:2011~2013年间共检测从业人员137046人,梅毒血清抗体阳性者252人,阳性率0.18%,从业人员梅毒不同年份显著性检验无差别(x2=1.14,P>0.05)。男性梅毒抗体阳性率0.18%(84/47693),女性0.18%(158/893534),男女感染率相同,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.0008,P>0.05)。梅毒抗体阳性者主要集中在20~49岁,占总阳性的90%(218/242)。梅毒抗体阳性率在各行业组由高到低依次为非食品2.99%、食品加工0.26%、环境卫生0.16%、食品0.13%、美容美发0.03%。梅毒抗体阳性率在各行业组之间有统计学意义(x2=1285.49,P<0.05)。结论:2011~2013年从业人员血清阳性率近三年稳定,从事非食品的青壮年为防控重点对象。 Objective: To investigate the current situation of syphilis infection among employees in Dalian from 2011 to 2013, and to explore the countermeasures and measures for prevention and control. Methods: The first screening was performed by TRUST. The positive ones were diagnosed by TPPA. Using Excel spreadsheet for data collation and SPSS13.0 for data analysis. Results: A total of 137,046 practitioners and 252 positive syphilis were detected between 2011 and 2013, with a positive rate of 0.18%. There was no significant difference in the significance of syphilis between different years (x2 = 1.14, P> 0.05). The positive rates of syphilis in males were 0.18% (84/47693) and 0.18% (158/893534) in females. There was no significant difference between males and females (x2 = 0.0008, P> 0.05). Syphilis antibodies were mainly concentrated in 20 to 49 years old, accounting for 90% of the total positive (218/242). The positive rates of syphilis antibody in various industries from high to low were non-food 2.99%, food processing 0.26%, environmental sanitation 0.16%, food 0.13% and beauty salons 0.03%. The positive rate of syphilis antibody was statistically significant among all industry groups (x2 = 1285.49, P <0.05). Conclusion: From 2011 to 2013, seropositive rate of practitioners is stable in recent three years. Young adults engaged in non-food are the key prevention and control targets.
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B(CHB) has markedly improved in the last 15 years due to the availability of direct antivirals which greatly increase therapeutic
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小平同志的那句“不管黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫”的名句,便出自于此。 Comrade Xiaoping’s phrase “no matter black cat white cat, catch the mouse is a good cat,