The Dreaming Priest牧师做梦

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  Long time ago there lived a priest who was very lazy and poor. He did not want to do any hard work but used to dream of being rich one day. He got his food from others. One morning he got a pot of milk. He was very happy and went home with the milk. He boiled the milk, drank some of it and put the remaining milk in a pot.
  Soon he started imagining about the pot of milk while he lay asleep. He dreamed that if he could become rich, all his hardships would be gone. He dreamed on, “Tomorrow morning the pot of milk would be turned into curd2. I would make butter from it, and heat the butter and make ghee3 out of it. I will then go to that market and sell that ghee, and make some money. With that money I will buy a hen4. The hen will lay may eggs which will hatch5 and there will be many chickens. These chickens will in turn lay hundreds of eggs and I will soon have a poultry6 farm of my own.”
  “I will sell all the hens and buy some cows, and open a milk dairy7. All the town people will buy milk from me. I will be very rich and soon I shall buy jewels. The king will buy all the jewels from me. I will be so rich that I will be able to marry a beautiful girl from a rich family. Soon I will have a handsome son. If he makes any mistakes, I will be very angry and teach him a lesson. I will beat him with a stick.” During this dream, he picked up the stick next to his bed, thinking that he was beating his son, raised the stick and hit the pot. The pot of milk broke and he awoke from his day dream.
  Moral8: Dreams cannot be fulfilled without hard work.
摘要:时下,家庭物品智能化水平仍然难以满足日渐增长的家庭生活品质需求,而且社区O2O电商进入家庭缺乏操作便利性。针对这一问题现状,本文就研发并提出了一种一体化电子设备,帮助家庭进行有效的食品保质期提醒、物品管理和找寻,并方便对接社区O2O电商,从而提高居家便利性。  关键词:食品保质期;家庭物品管理;物品找寻;社区电商  中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-2163(2016
小朋友们,你们知道凶手是谁吗?动动脑筋吧!    There was a strange murder case on the beach. The dead was a gang boss. 在海边沙滩上发生了一桩离奇的命案,死者是某黑帮老大。    On the day, the dead wanted to have a sunbath and sent his body guard awa
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考评分标准给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评“优点与不足”;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、 职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》 杂志社 初中部 收  张念武 中学英语高级教师,现任赣榆县
- Passage 1 -  A lot of English people have 1 names: a 2 name, a middle name and a 3 name. Their family names come  4 . For example (例如), my full name is Bill Alan Green. 5 is my family name. My first
文章编号: 2095-2163(2018)03-0011-05中图分类号: 文献标志码: A  (中国人民解放军91550部队, 辽宁 大连 116023)  摘要: 关键词: atmospheric refractive-index-structure parameter under the sea environment  (Unit 91550 of PLA, Dalian Liaoning
【英语阅读理解分类练习参考答案】  应用文: passage 1 1~5 ADCBCpassage 2 1~5 BCBDB  记叙文: passage 1 1~5 CADDBpassage 2 1~5 BCACC  议论文: passage 1 1~5 BDAAA passage 2 1~5 CCBDB  说明文: passage 1 1~5 DBBCDpassage 2 1~5 BABDD   
现代英语词汇中出现了许多简写词,即经过缩减原词中的字母,将长的单词变得简短明了,便于书写和交流,这种现象在现行的英语课本中比较多见,现编录几例供大家参考和欣赏:    bicycle  ↓  bike 自行车    microphone  ↓  mike 话筒    automobile  ↓  auto 汽车    hamburger  ↓  burger 汉堡包    refrigerator
6月1日:国际儿童节(1949) International Children’s Day  6月5日:世界环境日(1974) International Environment Day  6月6日:全国爱眼日(1996) National Eyes Caring Day  6月11日:中国人口日(1974)Chinese Population Day  6月17日:世界防止荒漠化和干旱日(199
1.问 这一课我们学了nobody这个单词,但是我还不  答 知道everybody, somebody和anybody,它们有什么区别呢?  它们都是不定代词,下面是它们的用法,相信对大家会有所帮助。  (1) nobody意为“没人”,是否定词,表示否定意义,一般在句中作主语。例如:  Nobody is in the room. 房间里没有人。  (2) everybody意为“每个人”,表