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2013年1月1日,《缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例》(以下称《条例》)正式生效。转眼几月,媒体舆论关于其利弊得失的种种非议也渐渐平息。回过头来当我们跳出汽车行业的圈子,单纯从法律的角度再审视一下这份《条例》,似乎又得到一些新的认识。法规无非是各方权力和义务的组合,透过其中纷繁的条条框框,北京市盈科律师事务所合伙人、中国消费者协会律师团律师蒋苏华替我们梳理了相关各方的权力和义务。 January 1, 2013, “Defective Automobile Product Recall Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance”) came into effect. In a few short turns, the media public opinion about its pros and cons of gains and losses also gradually subsided. In retrospect, when we jump out of the automobile industry and look at the “Regulations” from a legal point of view, it seems that we have got some new ideas. Laws and regulations are nothing more than a combination of powers and obligations of all parties. Through numerous rules and regulations, Jiang Suhua, a partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm and a lawyer’s solicitor of the Chinese Consumers Association, has sorted out the powers and obligations of all parties involved.
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