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If you’re studying a foreign language,you’ll know that learning vocabulary can often be a hard job.After all,there are thousands of words,expressions and idioms to learn.But sometimes,new words appear that can puzzle even native speakers.Each year,a set of new words is added to the dictionary,reflecting the changing tastes and habits of a nation.Members of the public are invited to submit new words and If you’re studying a foreign language, you’ll know that learning vocabulary can often be a hard job .After all, there are thousands of words, expressions and idioms to learn.But sometimes, new words appear that can puzzle even native speakers .Each year, a set of new words is added to the dictionary, reflecting the changing tastes and habits of a nation. Members of the public are invited to submit new words and
At the summit on April 2 in London, leaders of the G20 reached consensus on how to save the world out of the financial crisis, including a pledge of US$1.1 tril
英文原名:Magical Circus:Animal Crackersrn中文译名:神奇马戏团之动物饼干rn掌握关键词:magical神奇的;有魔力的rn剧情简介:rn爸爸Oven(欧文)得到了一盒过期的动物饼干,你
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每个人都有自己的情感,儿童也不例外。苏霍姆林斯基说:“孩子的心不应该是真理的冷库,我极力要防止的最大惋惜就是冷漠、缺乏热情。儿童内心冷若冰霜,来日必成为凡夫俗子。”情感对孩子的成长是非常重要的。情能激智,情能发辞,情能育德,真挚的情感正是人的本质最完满的体现。  现实中的教育却常常忽视了情感,甚至远离了情感,学生成了学习的机器,课堂成了学生听着、记着,不断地写着的工作间。学生感觉钝化,兴趣消失,情